Ovarian Cysts and Pain

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I pulled my back a couple weeks ago and went to the chiropractor and my hips were out of alignment so he did his thing and I was able to walk better. That was a Monday. Wednesday I got my period and went downhill from there. I bleed heavy and my iron level has gone down. I saw a hematologist who said it was definitely menstral related so now I'm taking iron supplements. I went back to the chiropractor that Thursday night and he used some tool on my pelvic area to get that back to normal and then I started having pain when sitting and had bad weakness in my left leg to where I couldn't go up and down steps without my knee buckling. Went to my primary doctor and he ordered xrays which didn't show anything skeletal. Also gave me script to have a pelvic ultrasound done because I had told him I had an ovarian cyst on that side. I still have to have that done. I have a gyno appt tomorrow. Question is, if anyone had experience with an ovarian cyst, did you have pain near your hip, like it would hurt to sit for too long. Pain in lower back? All my muscles in my back are starting to get sore. Trying to determine if this is really an ovarian cyst problem or still just a pulled muscle. Ladies?

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8 Replies

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    I think your problem is chiropractor related.  I went to one and was left with extreme muscle pain. I was given a deep tissue massage to help with the discomfort. The pain got worse, I developed exhaustion, nausea, hyper anxiety and muscle weakness.   I had these symptoms for nine months.  Although, it is a lot better, I still tire easily and get muscle pain and weakness if I exert myself. I then got costochondritis and finally IBS.  

    I also think that that pelvic realignment may have disturbed your ovarian cyst and menstrual cycle.  This kind of treatment can be very bad for your immune system in particular.

  • Posted

    Hi Nancy

    I had a similar experience.  My pelvis has always been a bit unstable, and I kept going back to an osteopath when I'd caused myself problems through various yoga exercises and gym exercises....but my back got MUCH worse a couple of years ago and nothing seemed to resolve it.  It was only after I had an ultrasound, due to other symptoms, that they found a large dermoid cyst.  That was removed 2 years ago and, even though I still get some pelvic and lower back pain, it's nothing like the extreme pain I had for the 9 months before my ovary and cyst were removed.

    One other thing, it seems my back pain is caused by a slipped lower verterbrae and I'm wondering whether the large hard cyst had meant that it (or my organs) were being pushed against that.

    Good luck with your ultrasound.  

    PS  I've just seen Philippa's response re chiropractors - I too avoid them, after one very painful and unhelpful experience.  If I see anyone, it's an osteopath or a sports massage therapist

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      I forgot also to mention that my muscle weakness started on my left leg just like Nancy was describing.
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      I actually have always had good luck with chiropractors, this is the first time he used something different on my pelvis. It was almost like a punch kit. Thats when I felt like I could barely walk on my left leg and xrays didn't show anything so I think that affected my cyst and I have a uterine fibroid. I'm so annoyed! I have been out of work for over a week because I can't sit for long without pain! Ugh!
  • Posted

    First question is how old are you? It can be cystic or perimenopause symptoms. If your not in perimenopause age then it can be related to a cyst. If a cyst is to blame the pains Gould subside if it's related to ovulation which sound like it. Definitely an ultrasound can determine if it yhe cyst causing the problem. GOOD LUCK

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