Ovarian Dermoid Cyst - Very Painful!!

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I started having pain in my lower left side in October of last year, it wasnt too bad so I didnt go to the doctors until january as I thought it may go away. I suspected I may have a Cyst and told the doctor and he refered me for a scan. I had a scan in mid Feb and I was diagnosed with a Dermoid Ovarian Cyst, it was about 3.5cm. I had another scan the other day and it has grown to 5cm. I have been refered to a gynocologist and been told that its going to take 20 weeks. I went back to the doctors because its causing me a lot of pain, but he said just to take pain killers (which doesnt really help) Iv been getting really really tired lately and doctor thinks that it could be related to the cyst.

The pain is getting me down, today I was in agony, I had a really sharp pain and I couldnt move, I was in tears. Im not going to be seen for another 4 months at least and I dont know what to do! Im worried its going to grow bigger.

Has anyone else been through similar experiences? How can I relieve the pain, Iv tired pain killers and warm baths but nothing works. Im only little and worried about how big the cyst is going to get, how quickly do these things grow? Mine got 1.5cm bigger in 5 weeks, so Im hoping it might stop for a bit!

Thank you

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330 Replies

  • Posted

    You could be virtually pain free and able to go about your normal everyday business if your GP chose to treat you correctly,, you have a proven painful medical condition and for whatever reason your GP is causing you needless suffering,, when his / her job is supposed to be the opposite,, s / he should be ashamed of themselves but somehow I doubt this individual will be sad
    • Posted

      What is the correct treatment? Could they be wrong? Basically I went to the doc 3 times and got an invasive ultrasound for them to tell me what I told them in the beginning. I have a very swollen and painful right ovary.
  • Posted

    I'm a very similar position at the moment with a painful cyst. Can I ask you how long it took for you to get a transvagalscan after your doctors appointment. I've been wait 4 weeks for a scan (and still waiting). I have been in pain everyday.

    I've just been taking paracetamol.

    This pain is dreadrul. I understand how you feel.

  • Posted

    Hi i am 54yrs old had various scans that show i have a dermoid ovary cyst,3inches,i have now been in pain about 5months off and on,been admitted to hospital,given pain killers and sent home,my tummy looks like im 7months pregnant,i went to see my gynecologist ,he said dermoid cysts do not have nerves,NO but they can push other organs,and sent me home for 4weeks saying its possible ibs,(he was going on holiday ,hope he had fun grr,,going to see him monday hm will see?what he says ill let you know.i am still in lots pain ,and swollen tummy,i have slept in my recliner for months now as cannot sleep in my bed ,because of the pain,please dont let them fob us off,we after all are the sufferers,,,,,,ill report back ,ps heat pad helps and pain killers
    • Posted

      hi there..

      i recently just had a dermoid cyst and my left ovary removed as the cyst was to big to be able to save my ovary, im wondering if you could tell me approx. how long it took you for your tummy to go back to normal after the surgery and all the air they put in their.

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      i had oophrarectomy (both ovaries, dermoid cysts golf ball sized) & tubes taken out end of March, tummy was full of air for just under a week, now 9 weeks later I feel amazing, no more bloating all pain gone, my three keyhole scars, one in belly button & two on stomach have healed (despite one being 1" long) and I'm not looking back after years of pain! The worst thing for me was the shoulder pain which also disappeared in a week. I wish you the best of luck for your recovery. 😃

    • Posted

      thankyou Anita for your reply !! I'm glad your surgery went well you are a trooper sounds like a lot was done..   It will be 2 weeks on Monday since my surgery but I still feel my stomach sticks out more then usual, like still very bloated so I'm hoping that it goes down within the next week..  You said yours only didn't look normal for 1 week ? Or did it take the full 9 weeks tongi back to normal. I'm only 24 years old and have been not wanting to go out with friends as I feel my stomach is not healed yet sad

    • Posted

      Hey, give it time, after all your body has been through. Just take it easy. Are you walking a lot, I walked all the time, increasing 5 mins a day. I had severe constipation but senna tablets helped me. I wish you all the best and please let me know how you are doing xx
    • Posted

      I am considering the same procedure. I'm not sure how large my cyst is, I just want the symptoms to go away. It's been a long time I've experienced this. What was your experience like. I'm also considering a second opinion
    • Posted

      do you think the constipation is due to the cyst?
    • Posted

      how large was your cyst taht they had to remove your whole ovary? im having mine removed at the end of the month so i'm a little paranoid haha
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      It was 8cmx8cm (or 9cm x 9cm)...I can't quite remember!  I think, because it was a dermoid cyst, the ovary was part of the cyst or had been completely overwhelmed by it so they removed it and the fallopian tube.  My consultant had told me that he would remove the ovary and the tube, so if s/he hasn't told you what s/he will be removing, it might be a good idea to ask.  Good luck - you'll be fine, just make sure you give yourself enough time to recover.  I was in my mid-50s at the time of the operation and I needed a couple of weeks off work.

    • Posted

      thanks for sharing smile ok the surgeon told me she would be doing a cystectomy unless they found cancer which is highly unlikely with all the bloodwork coming back normal....thanks again!
    • Posted

      if your having bloating problems sometimes for the pain as well you can take slippery elm bark it's an oil that helps with inflamation I would sugguest either mixing it in warm water or taking it straight. About 22 drops a day can help.
    • Posted

      Hi Anita, I know this is a late response but I was wondering if you could help me with a symptom check. You seem to have had similar issues. Im 52 now but had an ovary removed 8 yrs ago, dermoid cyst. Recently in the last 18 months I had pain in the right upper quadrant, dull ache. Then as time went on I developed a sore tummy, bit gassy, now bloated ish. The pain from the stomach kind of goes through to my back if I overse my arms, I'm a florist, so this isn't a given. I have low pelvic pain dull ache, like a period pain and occasional throbbing on the left hand side f pelvis.  It's been 18 months since my very first symptom and have been told it's costochondritus, gallbladder, you name it I have it according to the docs, IBs etc I have a ct scan booked for Thursday this week but I am worried sick as you can imagine. My question is really are we more prone to dermoid cysts if we have had one  before, and if so do they give the symptoms that I have? Also has anyone had similar experience to me. My middle abdomen is really sore to touch at the moment and am tired of being fobbed off. Any help appreciated please

    • Posted

      Hi Janie, Wondering if you can help, I've been told I've got a Large Dermoid Cyst 20 x 10 x 6 with some unusual features, doctor, did say that they would save other egg and tubes unless it was effected, but apparently, they send it off for a biopsy whilst your on the table, but it's not 100% accurate, until it comes back from the lab, whether it's malignant or not, I know most are not, but it's kind of scary, I don't want to lose both eggs, I would rather keep one side for thyroid function etc, have you any advice.

    • Posted

      Hello. I am a 51 year old grandmother. Years ago I had my uterus removed and ovaries remained in tact. Now 14 years later the ovaries are causing distress in my life. Each morning when I awake, there is a sharp pain in my left thigh that moves to my back, lower stomach and right side. I have had several scans done and was told we can not find your left ovary which is hiding behind your bowel. I feel bloated and experience pain of periods, except I have no period. Sometimes I feel feverish-like. I thought that I was losing touch with my reality until found this group of women sharing their own personal experiences. Thank you.


    • Posted

      Hi Kate,

      Justbhome recovering from the operation,I had my left ovary and tube and a 20cm cyst removed!Amazed at what they found in it,teeth hair the works...asked so many questions Ronny surgeon,and yes more then likely we will get another cyst on our remanding ovary,bummer right! I knew I had a cyst for quiet some time,and last Sunday I was in agony,had to call an ambulance,treated with pain killers and asked to go home and wait for the operation appointment.i refused to leave (I thought I would die at home) and they operated in me the next day.its scary the pain...

      Home now obviously sore around my belly,but the gas they pump into you before surgery is causing the most pain now,it feels like iv broken my shoulder!

      Anyway,I hope this time next week il be feeling fit and healthy again! My advise to anyone waiting for the operation,go to A&E and exaggerate the pain levels so they operate,how anyone can wait one month with that pain is beyond me!

      Best of luck ladies

    • Posted

      I'm glad you are doing well. What kind of scans did they do to know that there was a cyst?  How many days or months did you have pain? Was the pain constant or did it come and go during certain times of the month? Was the cyst in or on the ovary? Do you have to take any  hormone medication/hormone replacement therapy medication now that one ovary is removed? Thank you for your help. 

    • Posted

      Hi just reading all the questions on here , I'm wondering if any body has had a few dermoid cysts removed over a few years and still had a baby later on? 

      My daughter was 11 years old when she had her 1st one and had her cyst ovary and felopian tube removed ,and cut from belly button to top of bikini line .

      then 7years later pain again , another one on the other side , had the 2 cysts

      removed off the ovary when she went for surgery  ,and cut across this time.

      then last year she was 25 , had another emergency op for yet another large one,but now she wants children and has just had another scan to find out why she cannot conceive after trying for 12 months ,they have found another small cyst , so has anybody had a similar problem and had children .

      Thank youn


    • Posted

      Hi please could u give me any advise going through same thing if u could please read my posts I'd really appreciate it x

    • Posted

      How exactly big was your cyst that you had to remove your ovary?
    • Posted

      Hello there.

      I've had similar experiences.  When I was 16, i had my first dermoid cyst.  It was the size of a grapefruit and had to remove my entire left ovary giving me 50% chance of having children.  when I was 19, another

      cyst formed on my right ovary which was

      removed as well as a portion of my

      remaining ovary.  At that point they gave me 35% chance of having children.   At age 21 i had my first child.  When i turned 24 i developed another cyst which they removed leaving me a 10% chance of having kids.  At 26 I had my second son.  We planned for our 3rd child which took about 2 years of trying but at 39 I gave birth to my daughter.  At the present time, age 44, i have yet another dermoid cyst.  My surgery is set in 2 weeks to remove the cyst and will also have a hysterectomy.  So as long as you still have a portion of your ovary, having children is definitely a possibility.

      Good luck to you daughter.

    • Posted

      Hi Kate

      I have been having lower pelvic pain, stabbing on and of the lower left hand side and upper right hand side pain. Also feels like a pressure on my bladder like a fullness sometimes. Could this maybe me a cyst? Bloods all normal? 

    • Posted


      I'm looking for advice. My daughter has just had a dermoid cyst discovered on her left ovary, size 10cm. i Am going out of my mind with worry and don't know what to think. Waiting to see a specialist now, doctor has ordered bloods and said they don't think its cancerous but best to check.


    • Posted

      Thank you! Such a lovely reassuring post. So many of us are worried about the impact on conceiving. Such a reassuring post. Thanks. I’m sorry u have to have more surgery though.... sounds like u have gone through sooo much! xx
    • Posted

      Hi - I had one removed when I was younger and they cut me open across my stomach and even removed part of the ovary too. I went on as an adult to have three healthy babies without any issues. Don’t worry, it won’t necessarily cause her problems with future pregnancies!

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