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I am getting an ultrasound tomorrow. Does anyone else have a lot of abdominal pains and feeling uncomfortable? My left seems to be more achey and feels tender sometimes when i press it in then other days when i press it in theres no pain. Sometimes it feels like when you stretch a ligament in my left. I have had a good feel and i can't feel anything myself. I am worried because the GP didnt feel my abdomen and just put it down to perimenopause because my FSH  and LH were raised. I have gained weight all over but particularly around my lower abdomen. Google is my worst enemy.

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8 Replies

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    First, don't Google! As you found out. Next, it might not be your ovary at all. I had the same pains. Turns out, it was colon related. I've had ibs for as long as I can remember and the most current symptom was sharp abdominal pain mostly from stress. I have diverticulitis too. The doctor said lower left pain was inflammation in my colon and the place where pain is felt in this circumstance. The doctor was glad I had the ultrasound to rule out my overt but when I got my colon issues straightened out, and the stress, all was fine. If you are over 50, you shoyld have a colonoscopy anyway.
  • Posted

    Are you still getting periods? If so it could be ovulation pain. I get that sometimes and sometimes right before my period I get pain there. I just had my annual pap and an ultrasound and that ovary is fine. I think it is definitely a peri thing because I didn't start getting aches in that area until peri hit and it is only when I'm either ovulating or about to come on. Like today, for example, I felt it and I'm due in three days. Hopefully your scan will reveal all is well. It could also mean that your ovary has shrunk. Mine has in a years time. My uterus has too. I think that is also a sign of menopause.
    • Posted

      Yes, I second this. I hadn't thought about it until you mentioned it, but I never had ovary pain with my cycle until I was in perimenopause.
    • Posted

      Yes i am still getting periods but they are erratic, missed one then had one for 2 weeks, then a light one etc.
    • Posted

      So typical in peri. And that can go on for years! Sometimes they're very heavy and sometimes light. Sometimes short and sometimes they go on for weeks!
    • Posted

      You can still get ovulation pain if you miss your periods. The body will behave the same way without a period. I still get mine regularly but I have heard from some of the other women here that even though they miss their periods, they still get the symptoms associated with it. Ovulation pain is actually a known medical term called "mittelschermz."
  • Posted

    Just an update, had my ultrasound yesterday and an internal scan and everything looked ok, no cysts or anything so must be the perimenopause.
    • Posted

      Great news! If it gets better now, you can safely say it was probably stress related. Worrying about it can cause GI problems. As soon as I was checked out and found out I was fine, I got a lot better. If you still feel some tenderness issues there, I suggest you check with a gastroenterologist. There are things that can help.

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