Over 7 years of the menopause & still no signs that it's coming to an end!!!

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I'm 58 now, I was 51 when I became aware that I had menopausal symptoms, hot flushes, night sweats, dizzy spells, dry eyes, pains in my lower back, forgetfulness, feeling that I can't cope, generally agitated & lack of interest in a lot of things & fluff growing on my chin!!!!! So off I went to my GP yesterday, as my husband said that I really ought to get myself sorted & get my life back in order. So my GP replied, every woman goes through the menopause, nobody escapes & I should just see it through & best not take HRT as it has risks! I tried to tell her that I really need to do something as it seems to be going on forever! & I said, what about these menopause clinics that I've heard about? She said that they'll not be able to do anything different than she can offer, they'll give me 10mins talking about the facts & ask whether I want to take HRT or not, considering breast cancer & other risks, I said I don't want cancer & then she said you can only have HRT for 5years anyway & then you'd go back to how you are now! & then she said that we're out of time! Can't say I found the experience too helpful! How long is this all going to last!?

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8 Replies

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    That's shocking, I'd see another dictor. Sure, all women go through the meno, some breeze through it and for others it fones with debilitating symptoms, in my case severe palpitations, panic attacks and anxiety disorder. My doctor didnt fob me off and realises I need help to get some semblance of my life back. This includes HRT, antidepressants, betablockers and at times, diazepam. Before the meno 2 yrs ago I was fully functioning, working, balanced, never been on ADs. I dont want to be on pills and tried lots of natural supplements but when my anxiety became so bad at xmas that i couldnt face work, its a case of needs must. Im improving by the day and working part time now, but theres no quick fix. Im also having CBT / hypnotherapy which will hopefully get me off the meds eventually. If i can only be on hrt patches for 5 years at least its 5 more years of normal! Of your life has become a struggle Id get a 2nd opinion. Ive been a chronic migraine sufferer all my life which is horrendous pain, but id rather have my migraines and periods back than this terrible menopause anxiety. Good luck with finding someone who understands how hard meno can be x

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      Apologies for all the typos!
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    Wow, I think we all know we can't escape it, you certainly don't need your doctor telling you that, I haven't been to my gp as I feel it will be a complete waste of my time, this forum is the best thing that I've found, just having you ladies to talk too and get advice from has made me feel like I've lifted a big load, I know I'm still going to have some challenges ahead and some days I think " what's rhe point of me even being here".we are bloody fabulous ladies, you might not feel it right now, but we are all going to get through this together. 😀

    • Posted

      Hi Jeny, we know its a natural part of life but it can be horrendous for some and make us feel physically and mentally ill, what other condition would you be expected to put up with, not being able to work and function properly? Thankfully these meds and CBT ate getting me closer to what i was, but seriously at xmas i was a nervous wreck waking straight into full blown panic attacks through the night with adrenaline dumps. Worst time of my life, and ive bounced back from some hard stuff! Lol . Yes thank goodness for these forums and to know there are people who understand how hard it can be x
    • Posted

      There's hope for me yet, I'm just having a good day and feel really positive, I know it won't last and I'll hitrock bottom again soon, I'm quite new to peri and I'm sure it's gonna get a whole lot worse. The physical side of it is horrendous and I feel like I'm 90 years old and not 48, but it's the mental side that terrifys me, I've already been unfortunate enough to have had a nervous breakdown 10 years ago and feel like I could never go down that road again.i will try anything to make this awful time easier, for me my family and any of you ladies that are suffering, x

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    my husbands mom took hrt for 20 years shes 71 now she had a histerectomy and straight on the hrt and took it till a few years ago then she started with hot flashes but that was it then her hair thined real bad and she started geting more tierd adn weight gain. so up until she stoped taking it she always looked you younger fitter for her age and even diforced her husband cos of her lack of sex from him lol. shes in america so i dont know how it all works there but my docs offerd me hrt im 47 but when i went to see her she said i have high blood presure so had bloods done. i see her again next month i might put hrt off for a few more years if i can only have it for flipin five years at most. my mother inlaw was fit as a fiddle till she stoped taking it. and no cancer or strokes. at the moment the only symptoms im having is watery eyes and no periods and weight gain. my other symptoms of bleeding constant and back pain and achs have gone for now and no night sweats or hot flushing but a bit sweaty when doing some house work but not much. i feel im coping good at moment just look a bit haggard and had my hair choped off as it looked thin from falling out. im deff in meno tnoe as the nurse told me my bloods came back saying so and that iv got high cholesterol. and eleven and half stone which is bad as im only 5"2 but all that pur on just since these past 6 months as bedor june i was 10 and a half sttones. i was given norethisterone to stop forever bleeding and it made me put a stone on gosh.

    stoped taking it but kept the weight.

    meno is horrible. i think il see how my symptoms go befor i take hrt. at the moment also i get tierd to easly forgot lol and a bit forgetful but im coping fine.id tell everyone if we can only have it for five years to try to see how it goes as iv been up and down for around three years and now just this past month i feel better than i have in a wile. i did get offerd it a few years ago and i took them home but they stayed in cabinet. i also got given something for dryness down below but didnt use them either. then not long after i went back to normal so i dont know maybe il need them again soon. if i do i have them tucked away. or my nice femal dr will give me  what ever i need as she is oposite to your dr and just wants me to take hrt shes always telling me to have them.

    if my blood presure is ok when i go again shel offer me it, is the pach the best i dont know whats the best to have. gosh i rant lol

    • Posted

      Hi I too struggled to decide if HRT was for me as my symptoms are bare able. So I decided to educate myself, menopause Taylor on you tube

      is excellent at explaining everything in a way that's easy to understand.

      I weighed up my current health against the risks of taking HRT and decided the risks to me where beneficial if only for a few years. I put on my 1st patch yesterday,

      So it's too early to tell yet.

      But I knew my GP would try and talk me out of it due to health risks.

      I found if I made up my mind what I wanted before my visit to the doctors and did my research I would be ready for all the questions.

      As it happens I had more knowledge that my GPS who sat and googled it

      With and reply that went " I will look into this you can pick up a pescription this afternoon" I do think some doctors have little knowledge in this area.

      Do some research before you make your decision. I am prepared that my choice may need some adjustment, but being knowledgeable will help

      Me change my current HRT dose if it doesn't work out.

      Good luck.

  • Posted

    Tina, I went through perimenopause for 9 years. Hormones were fluctuating constantly during this time. It started at the age of 44. I'm now 53 and post menopausal. My last period was over a year ago. The hot flashes went away and things settled down somewhat. I still have some broken sleep but not as bad. I'm also left with the 27 pound weight gain. All women are different. My mom breezed right through it but not me. Hopefully you'll get to the other side soon. It's not perfect in post menopause, but it's better than all those fluctuating hormones.

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