Overactive to underactive following radioactive iodine treatment
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i was diagnosed with Graves' disease some 6 years ago, 3 years ago I I was given radioactive iodine. I am now underactive and have been signed back to my GP from the endocrinologist. However, They cannot get my medication right, the GP says I must stay at the lower end of normal but I feel so tired, have cramps in my legs, they feel like lead weights, I am constantly putting on weight yet eating less, I have random bruises mostly on my legs. All my life (I'm 54) I've had good energy levels, not buzzing but plenty of stamina, and although I've had to work at it I've kept a good weight. My dose is 100 daily, my GP is not helpful in helping me feel better and obviously I don't won't to be too high again. I have been taking 125 on a weds and sun, my latest blood test still shows lower end of normal and I still feel rubbish. I'm going to try 125 mon, weds, fri and see what happens - does anyone else take their meds in this way? Have also started to think I am intolerant to bread and a few other things and am seeing a kinesiology later this week to see if they can identify what.
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mags1909 Horseyhibbitt
mjaxx mags1909
If you do have adrenal insufficiency, this will result in tiredness, sleep problems, the inability to cope with stress, dizziness when standing up, immune problems, food and chemical intolerances, and can also cause pain and weakness within joints, muscles, and connective tissue. All of these symptoms are due to deficiencies in two hormones called aldosterone and cortisol, and this is always corrected before thyroid hormone is started when the condition is known. Your body can't cope with or use thyroid hormone properly without adequate adrenal hormones because the two glands function together.
mags1909 mjaxx
barbara98940 Horseyhibbitt
Horseyhibbitt barbara98940
PRthyroid Horseyhibbitt
I got fed up and changed to a Holistic doctor. She prescribed me Armour thryoid meds (a dessicated thyroid mediction). Since taking it I felt so much more better as well as keeping on top of all the minerals in my bloodwork.
I felt good for a few months but started to get joint pain again and some headaches. I started to noticed I was havin an Intolerance to gluten and lactose. After that, I decided to clean up my diet and avoided everything gluen, lactose, and soy. It's going on a few months since I started that and I have to say I feel like normal again. I don't really have any more problems.
So my advice would be maybe try a different type of thryiod med if you're feeling this current one you're on isn't working for you. Some people's body can't not take synthetic Levothryoine cause some can't just make T3 just from T4 only. Meds like Armour thyoid and other dessicated thyroid medictions have more then just T4, which helps the body alot easier.
Also I would try and avoid everything gluten and lactose for a few months and see if that helps you feel better as well.
Also make sure you cut out stress and check your blood sugar. Stress can cause the adrendals to over work, thus effecting your thyroids ability to work properily.
Hope that helps. Hope you feel better.
mags1909 PRthyroid
barbara98940 mags1909
mags1909 barbara98940
barbara98940 mags1909
PRthyroid mags1909
I had to research online Holistic Doctors in my area. Once I found a few, I called each one and asked if they specialized in Thyroid optimization. Sadly I only found like one that was very close that did thyroid optimization. I know some people have to travel far to get to a good one. But they're better then Endocrin doctors in my opinion.
barbara98940 PRthyroid
mjaxx Horseyhibbitt
In any case, there's no reason you should have to live with this if you're not feeling as well as you could. Once you know why they won't dose you higher, you can discuss options to resolve this and then increase the dose when the risk is eliminated.
Any increase in dosage usually takes at least 2 weeks for the body to adjust and blood levels to become stable, so it may take a few weeks after increasing the dosage before you know how you are reacting to the new dose. If taking more thyroxine doesn't seem to help, you may also want to discuss with your GP to add T3 or switch to dessicated thyroid that contains both T4 and T3. Some people are less responsive or non-responsive to T4 alone because it needs to be converted into T3 to work properly. Age and other factors can reduce conversion.
Horseyhibbitt mjaxx
shellyC19 Horseyhibbitt
My name is Shelly and I am a nurse in The USA. I also have Hashimoto's thyroid disease since 1987. i am 54 also.
RAI was designed to kill off cancer of the thyroid and not as a treatment for Hyperthyroiism.
It should have been carefully explained that you would be Hypo for life. the thyroid does not grow back! RAI is often misused. It is a bad way to treat Hyperthyroidism.
Now about Levo, it is darn hard to regulate it as it was designed for people WITH A THYROID, and it can take a lot longer for it to work as your liver and bowels and other organs will have to absorb it and it can take time and adjustments to make it work.
Your ferritin needs to be 70+ and that will help it work better. You may need a mixture of 100mcg 4 days a week and then 125mcg the other days. It does not come in 110mcg or 120mcg, so you need to play around with it. Some people need to do this to get a better level. Try it out.
Other people need a NDT like Armour thyroid. It is made from a pig's gland which is very close to our human one. It works better on some people.
All of your symptoms are of Hypo, and once you find the right dose, your bad symptoms will fade away. The trick is the right med for you!
Keep me posted on how you do, any questions just ask,
Horseyhibbitt shellyC19
denisemoore shellyC19
shellyC19 denisemoore
Nature's thyroid is a good medication. 1 grain is 60mg and is a low dose and most people need about 1 and 1/2 grains daily. So you can ask the doctor to up the dose or try it yourself and see if you feel better. The body will adjust to the new dose and the muscle aches and tired feelings will subside. Normally 1 grain tablets are a starter dose.
Also have a B-12 level checked and Ferritin & iron levels, as these can be low in thyroid patients and if able take a good multivitamin with Iron and take it 4 hours after your thyroid or with a lunch meal. Low iron will also make you sleepy and feel bad. Another thing is VIT D. It can make your body ache and cause you to feel as if you were 100. A blood level can be checked and I recommend that also.
Make sure all thyroid meds are taken on an empty stomach so food will not block it.
Have the doctor check blood cortisol levels. Some of us can get too much adrenal hormone when we are Hypothyroid.
Give yourself a bit more Nature's thyroid and see if it makes a difference.
Keep me posted and any questions just ask,
denisemoore shellyC19
denisemoore shellyC19
shellyC19 denisemoore
If your weight is high the more thyroid you need also. It usually goes Milligram per Kilogram in dosing. This is not uncommon when low in thyroid. We all gain weight.
I am not a fan of Bariatric surgery because I know a lady who died after it. However if you do want it get the one called "The Sleeve" it leaves you a small stomach and is not messing with the bowels. The lapband can be a 2nd choice. find a certified bariatric surgeon and ask to speak to others who had it done. The person I knew died from a Deep Blood Clot that got into her lung area.
Do some research on it, and see if your insurance will cover it.
Please have your son checked as thyroid conditions can hit kids and not be detected.
Autism: High functioning can be worked with. They like structure in their world but they can be taught. My hubby teaches Special Education and they do learn and can do things. Sometimes they use certain therapies like horses and they can bring them out of their world.
Keep me posted on how you do,
XO, Shelly
shellyC19 denisemoore
Yes, have him checked. Kids can have it. Simple blood test can tell and when a teen have him checked again.
barbara98940 denisemoore
barbara98940 denisemoore
denisemoore barbara98940
denisemoore shellyC19
denisemoore barbara98940
barbara98940 denisemoore
denisemoore barbara98940
shellyC19 denisemoore
Armour Thyroid is a good one, so is Thyroid W and Thyroid -S, many can be bought online without a prescription but since you are in the USA, just ask your doctor for a prescription. Most people can be on doses of 90mg to 180 mg depending on weight and blood TSH levels.
I am on Liothyronine (Cytomel) which works on me and some people use a med called Thyrolar or Liotrix which is a T3 and T4 combo pill.
Ask your doctor, you may try something else that works for you.
shellyC19 denisemoore
They use trainors in the public schools here in addition to the Special Ed teacher. They work directly one on one and they do make progress.
Look into that as he will soon be going to school. Look into music therapy also.
shellyC19 barbara98940
I have a friend who married a man with Aspergers and he is a computer wizard and almost like a savant in Math. It can be passed on in the DNA I believe.
I also do believe that low thyroid levels in the womb can cause learning difficulties.
XO, Shelly
shellyC19 barbara98940
It is all about the right dose for you. Most people need a bit more.
shellyC19 denisemoore
If Iron is low so will the ferritin. Ferritin is a component of iron and must be 70+ or more for all thyroid meds to work well. So get a good iron supplement of a daily vitamin with iron.
Eat spinach also and chicken or beef livers are full of iron, but my not be a tasty dish to some. LOL. Also post your levels here and I can help see where you may have a problem.
XO, Shelly
shellyC19 barbara98940
Message below about cutting pills was meant for DeniseMoore. I also meant to say that Thyroid pills should not be mixed with food but can be dissloved in water in a cup and taken.
Other capsules (not thyroid) if needed can be mixed with food.
barbara98940 denisemoore
I gave you loads of useful stuff re aspergers and how to create the conditions where your son can thrive. I also told you that my child did brilliantly at school and is now in the final year of a degree at a top UK university. So there's every chance your son will do well too.
barbara98940 denisemoore
barbara98940 shellyC19
barbara98940 denisemoore