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Im on Sertraline and Im meant to take 100mg a day. About 3 hours ago I took 700 more to make 800mg. I dont really feel any different. Does anyone know how much it takes? What would be long term effects?

My everyday use is horrible. Im always tired and feel I need sleep. Excessive insomnia. Constipation; which leads to piles. I tend to sweat alot too.

Also worth a note, I went through a phase of not using water to swallow the tablet- there is a reason for this! (Ignorant me...) It ended up becoming trapped in my throat causing a build up in acid, it was so uncomfortable- the only way to get through it was to keep eating/drinking to try and push the tablet down.

I went cold turkey with Sertraline once and didnt feel any immediate effects but after a few weeks my mood worsened and my OCD behaviour begun to return. Im now back on it.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there Ouchas

    You need to seek medical advice straight away.

    Either go to your local A&E or ring NHS Direct on: 0845 4647.

    Melbi x

  • Posted

    I feel absolutely fine! Although Im starting to get a headache... Am I yet to feel the effects? What will happen if I use up my Sertraline and need more? Im worried the doctor will take action if he finds out I took too many...
  • Posted

    Hi again

    You can ring NHS Direct anonymously - they will then tell you if you need to seek medical attention or not.

    ring NHS Direct on: 0845 4647.

    Melbi x

  • Posted

    Symptoms you will need to look out for:

    Symptoms of a Sertraline Overdose

    If a person overdoses on sertraline, the symptoms can vary. The most common sertraline overdose symptoms include:



    Increased heart rate (tachycardia) or slow heart rate (bradycardia)




    Shakiness (tremor).

    Other sertraline overdose symptoms may include, but are not limited to:





    High blood pressure (hypertension)


    Loss of life.

    Loss of life following a sertraline overdose has been reported in about 1 percent of cases. The risk of death is significantly higher when a sertraline overdose also includes other medicines.


  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I have been taking Sertraline for about 3 months now, am taking 150mg per day at night, but also find that it makes me want to take more than prescribed. Last night I took 600mg and again this morning I woke up so sad that I decided to take another 600mg.

    I have a history of suicidal risk, but this pill makes me want to commit to my ideas even more.

    I have a Psychiatrist appointment in August, but feel that my GP does not seem to notice what is happening.

    Please can you advise,

    Many thanks

  • Posted

    Hi you are not meant to take this medicine like that ,don,t you know it's dangerous. CALL YOUR A&E NOW AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. Also your doctor in D.O.P. needs to know. DO IT NOW. Lucky.
  • Posted

    Hi there - please don't wait until your Aug appointment. Make an appointment asap with your GP and let him/she know about your suicidal thoughts.

    Good luck, stay strong & safe

    Melbi x

  • Posted

    Hi there I'm 18 years old and been in Sertraline since I was 14 I have overdosed with 1,050mg instead of 150mg I don't know what to do
  • Posted

    Hey. I have overdosed on sertraline as well. I took 17 100mg pills. It was scary as hell. I thought I was literally going to die.

    I was awake the whole night because every time I shut my eyes I could hear my heart slowing right down and feeling like it would stop then it would start again. I felt really agitated and I was sweating a lot. And I was having tremors and shudders going through my body.

    But I'm ok now,I'm just glad I'm still here and living.

    • Posted

      Same With Me O My God Me Too rolleyes I Just Got Sent Home.. My Head Feels Away Though... 😞😞

  • Posted

    Currently on an overdose 1000mg and the only thing it's doing is keeping me awake, but that could be down to the fact that I've tried to take my own life tonight. If you have to take Sertraline, try and stay clear of alcohol (some are OK but from my experiences it's not)

    The other thing I can report on Sertraline (through normal use) is when you forget to take it three days in a row and you start getting brain zaps.

  • Posted

    WTF you guys are talking like you took to many by mistake??

    So let me get this straight...you take a few extra pills to overdose but come on here asking what will happen??

    I'm confused...I think you guys are on the wrong forum.

  • Posted

    I think you should be fine. The most I've taken when overdosing is 2000mg. And I only suffered from:





    Vivid hallucinations

    Brain dead

    Lack of sleep

  • Posted

    Hi, anyone know if there is any long term affects of this - I simply fell asleep completely for 12hr after taking 15 a while back was yellow for 3 days and apparenly looked very bad worried there could be lasting affects?
  • Posted

    Just to let you know my son (adult) took 15 x 50mg sertaline tabs over 3 days. His symptoms were suicidal tendencies, extreme mood swings. I came in to find him with a pair of scissors jammed in a powerpoint screaming he was going to turn it on. There was NO drowsiness, nausea or other of the mind symptoms that are 'officially' reported as side effects to overdose.

    Why am I not hearing of THIS sort of side effect?

    I am reporting it here to let others know and maybe to inform the medical system that handing these drugs out like candy as a solution to everyone is tantamount to malpractice. 

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