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There is a strong possibility I have Lupus and saw the Rheumatologist recently so I'm awaiting some blood test results and results of some X-rays. Recently I've been excessively overheating. It's as if there is a furnace inside of my body and I am burning on the outside. I feel the excessive heat on my trunk, face, arms and legs. I then eventually cool down. It happens in bed or at anytime during the day. Is this a symptom of Lupus? Just to add I had a Cortisone injection in my shoulder this week.
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jean20935 Jan999
I posted a similar question last year as this was something I was struggling with. One minute I felt normal temperature, the next I was on fire, this happened at any time night or day, with no apparent reasoning. I have Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, one of which is Lupus. I was diagnosed last year, after struggling on being ill for 7 years. I am now taking hydrochloroquine with gabapentine (along with other medications for my other "mixed" diagnosis, which has helped. I still do get excessive heat episodes, but think this is just one of the things we have to "bear"!! I do, however, dress in layers, so that I can take clothes off when I feel it coming on........don't despair it's good for winter!!!! Just a suggestion, keep notes on how you feel on a daily basis so that you can report back to your Rheumatologist how you feel - you will know more about it than they do!!!!! Take care and keep your chin up.
Jan999 jean20935
jean20935 Jan999
The memory fog is one of my major concerns....I have quite a pressurised job where I used to be able to rely on my memory but now I rely on "post its"....the same goes for when I type things, I used to be able to type and know it was correct, now I constantly have to go back and check. My partner and I try to laugh at my lack of recall but sometimes it can be distressing, especially on days when I don't feel good - those days you have to dig deep and become very resilliant. In the early days I used to get quite upset, but I have been like this for quite a while...it doesn't get any better... I just don't beat myself up about it!! Be kind to yourself!! I always say just because you can't see anything wrong with you, it doesn't mean there isn't. Rest when you can and be honest with your husband as to how you feel, it will help him understand it a little better!! X
Jan999 jean20935
jean20935 Jan999
Jan999 jean20935
kate06315 Jan999
Jan999 kate06315
kate06315 Jan999
Jan999 kate06315
sparkleblue2013 kate06315
hi kate06315 i was just wondering as i to struggle with getting over hot and when i do i have redness and rash blochis over face,neck, chest i have fibro but i am reserching as i think somthing els is going on with my body but i wanted to ask what blood test diagnosed you and did your bloods show straite away that you have a few autoimmune deases or did it show up after a few years? as with me the only thing is slighty low white blood count but not a course for concern
best wishes
1_hand_works Jan999
Salcombe_Ali Jan999
I'm in the process of being diagnosed lupus or connective tissue and was just reading this thread. I also have trouble regulating my temperature. Thought it was linked with the menopause as I had a full hysterectomy at 40 and was forced into an early menopause which was quite violent at times. Nearly ten years on and I'm still patched up with HRT. I wonder if I'm barking up the wrong tree? The 'fog' is also a major worry as I'm a Teaching Assistant and have started struggling at work.
Jan999 Salcombe_Ali
When do you go back to see the rheumatologist? The sooner you start treatment the better for you really especially with you working.
Salcombe_Ali Jan999
not for 3months as she said she wanted to tie it in with a referral for an op on my foot to clear out in inflammation. The waiting is the Pitts!
I know this might sound insane but I kind of like that I may have a diagnoses now. Don't get me wrong. I don't want Lupus! But, it makes sense now. I no longer feel like a hypochondriac.
Have you re done your bloods? Not to be told is not good is it?
Jan999 Salcombe_Ali
Salcombe_Ali Jan999
Jan999 Salcombe_Ali
jean20935 Salcombe_Ali
Salcombe_Ali jean20935
Hope that helps. 😌
Jan999 Salcombe_Ali