Overwhelming OCD - menopause or just me?
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So I've always been one for details and kinda risk averse in life (or some might say I lack any sense of adventure) but since starting peri things have got a whole lot worse. I now have to examine everything down to the minutest detail, obsessively check reviews before buying anything, and can't leave the house without doing 10-15 rounds of checks to make sure everything's turned off, doors are locked, etc. We're in the process of buying our first house so deciding on paint colours, utility providers, etc, and it is totally stressing me out. Every time I think I've made a decision I'll read something that makes me change my mind. I can't seem to make a decision at all. It's taking all the enjoyment out of what should be an exciting time, and I'm totally fed up of me so who knows what my husband is thinking.
So can I blame this on peri, or is it just me being neurotic and lacking confidence in my decisions (in which case I'll have to give myself a massive kick in the butt and sort myself out)?
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Gypsy014 Klp77
So you can definitely blame the worsening of your OCD on peri for sure mine got worse too, and you can do all the kicking yourself in the butt and talking to yourself trying to talk yourself out of it but it doesn't help, with me ive accepted that this is how I am and I learn to live with it, also its worse the OCD that is at different times of the month but always with me.. And I can tell you my husband does NOT understand or anyone else for that matter unless they are living it, we can't just shut our over thinking brains off it won't happen thats why I say just learn to accept it as part of who you are and sort of guide yourself through it, ive always would over think everything second guess a lot worry and check things over and over again shake clothes and blankets and shoes making sure no bugs and the things I fear are there wash hands a lot no door knob touching hold breath near sick people or cover nose and mouth with tissue near sick people , but with peri its much worse.. YouTube Howie mandel and watch his 9 min video of him with his OCD he explains it for all us OCD sufferers to a T....
Klp77 Gypsy014
Thanks for the response. So it's just another thing to add to the list of all things fun about the menopause. At least it means I'm not going mad (well, no madder than normal anyway 🙄)
crystals51917 Gypsy014
OMG! your post about OCD is every word I would say. Door Knobs, appliance handles, I cover or walk away fast when someone coughs, drop my clothes off at washroom as soon as I enter the house, clean purse and cell phone all the time, NO SHOES ARE ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE, wash my hands so much they crack, clean my car knobs and this is just to name a few. It's so embarrassing at times. I don't think menopause helps to calm.
Gypsy014 crystals51917
Yes crystals thats totally me all of it , you just have to embrace it because ive learned its definitely never going away its just how my brain works and ive been mad over it all cried over it all but that doesn't help and at least I have this kind of ocd because there are a lot worse kinds out there .. Vaseline and lits of hand lotion for the dry cracked hands carry tissues everywhere to cover mouth especially during cold n flu season. Its exhausting I know.. Ive always been a worrier and over the years it just turned into OCD, but whoa when all my other peri symptoms hit this definitely got much worse, and believe it or not its always with me but it cycles itself too every single month I will have days and days of it being really bad and days where well you know not so bad but still there..I've told my husband grown kids grandkids hey this is who I am and how I am and it will not change, they use to all think I was nuts but now they just kind of say well thats how she is.. I told kip to YouTube Howie mandel s 9 min video on his OCD it really breaks it all down for tbe ocd sufferers and their lived ones so they can have a better understanding, so I'm suggesting to you as well take 9 min and go watch it in sure you'll find it interesting as well.. 😃