Ovestin pessaries for vaginal burning?
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Hi ladies
Im so done
After suffering every symptom possible for ten years in peri im now two years post meno and have vaginal atrophy
Im in constant pain and burning down below
UTI symptoms without any infection
Its getting worse
Been given Ovestin pessaries
Anyone used these
I just dont know what to do with myself anymore x
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Scotland005 michelle97919
Hi Michelle
Im going through the same just now . Two years post menapause and everything seems to irritate, feeling of UTI and stinging and just generally uncomfortable. I have not tried these. Are they hormone based? would be good to get your feed back and also know im not going mad that there are others out there with same symptoms .
Good luck .
michelle97919 Scotland005
HI Scotland005
They are hormone based they are oestrogen pessaries so basically HRT for vaginal area
I really dont want hormones ti be honest
I have been using vagisan and it was working well until i had a vaginal ultrasound on Saturday and the stuff they use seemed to give me a flare up big time
Vagisan is nit hormone based but was working till now
Im miserable with it
As for sex forget it!!!!
Its just a constant burn im now in antibiotics but i feel its a waste of time as my urine always comes back clear
I think maybe the scan saturday irritated me
But to be honest anything can set it off
Sitting for too long tight trousers etc
I really was hoping things would improve for me post meno
but not only have i got anxiety fatigue acid reflux palpitations bloating nausea
And i know ive left some out
oh yeah
Inner trembling!!!
Ive now got vaginal atrophy in the list
Im seriously begining to think im gonna be like this for the rest of my life
I went away fir the night with my daughter and at the hotel was a coach load of old age pensioners 70 annd 80
Im not kidding they were happy and lively and enjoying themselves
I just sat there watching them thinking they are so much older than me and doing better
So depressing x
Scotland005 michelle97919
Wow this could be me all the same symptoms, just finished antibiotics and still feel things not right. The inner trembling you have I seem to get at night I know it sounds crazy but do you feel like your brain is vibrating?. Its the oddest feeling. Its the crashing fatigue thats getting me as its not like me im a personal trainer and used to a lot of exercise and just now I have to kick my own butt just to get off couch. I did feel better for a while but then it all seems to hit you again.
I have been using natural things like coconut oil to see if that soothes, does for a bit .
keep me posted on how you get on .
michelle97919 Scotland005
In answer to the vibrating head then yes
I have had symptoms that made me think im going mad
I dont see though how these pessaries will help the entrance and outside of my vagina
Apparently they dont do the cream anymore
I still dont know what to do about using them x
Gigi368 michelle97919
Hi Michelle,
I use estrace cream, I have VA and bladder prolapse. The level of estrogen your body absorbs is very minimal. The problem with non hormone options are they are only a bandaid and won't help your tissue repair itself or hold a normal pH. Your bladder also depends on estrogen.
I use the cream 2x a week now, 1/2 gram at bedtime, and also coat around my urethra and outer lady bits. In between i use coconut oil. I had to go to pelvic floor PT and was taught the correct way to do kegel exercises and it really helps. I have an electronic kegel exerciser too, I use it daily. I'm pretty much back to as normal as I can be. It took quite a while but I can say I'm not crying in pain any more. Even though my sex drive flew out the window lol, its comfortable with no burning or pain.
I hope this works for you!! Hugs!
michelle97919 Gigi368
Hi Gigi
I totally hear what you sre saying
but im so sensitive to meds
And the doctor gave me oessaries as they dint do the cream anymore
but as i was saying to anither lady
Its more the entrance and outside that hurts
How will inserting pessaries help that?
Maybe i need to ring hem again
The vagifem which is quite new on the market does work most of the time
And its not hormonal
This is not an easy ride x
Gigi368 michelle97919
Actually vagifem is Estradiol, same as the Estrace Cream I use just in vaginal tablet form. I was put on that first but it gave me bad leg cramps, so I had to switch to the cream. I'm like you I'm pretty sensitive to any meds, oral or topical. it took me weeks to get the courage to try anything. The concept, In my opinion, is if its inserted it's working from the inside out, feeding the tissues therefore repairing it. I'd be lost without my cream. However I don't have a uterus, just my ovaries, so my gyno gave me the green light to use as much or as little as I want. Sometimes I have to add a day or I'll just use a gram instead of a half gram. Like I said it takes a while to work, and it burned at first because my tissue was so thin, dry and brittle. But after daily use for almost a month the difference was amazing. I'd ask again about a cream. I'm in the US and we have several different ones.
I sure hope you find something that works bc this is a miserable thing to have!
julie92319 michelle97919
I used Ovestin cream because i was getting really irritated down there. after using it every night for two weeks it did take the symptoms away but you do need to keep on using a maintainance dose or it comes back. I too have had uti's etc. Now i'm getting cramping 😦