Ovulation and crazy hormones

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hi ladies.

anyone else get crazy when they ovulate? its worse than PMS. the cravings, jealousy, rage, exhaustion, nightmares, overthinking, huge appetite, etc...

so technically I only have one 'normal' week a month. is this really how i am supposed to live? my poor family.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi christine I know how you feel, I just Finnished my period was on for 3 days it was light but the way I feel is horrible jonts ache, headache, dizziness stomach problems tired. Then I have a week of feeling ok and then it starts again

    Have been perimenopausal for 4 years I am on HRT just hope it will end soon

    take care


  • Posted

    yes, my symptoms too were more intense around ovulation week. this happened for 2 months and then the intensity decreased but it started to last for 2 weeks, starting from day 7/8. Don't know when this will change next. But the pattern seems to be that every 2 months there is some changes to my symptoms. mostly mild anxiety and not wanting to go out or make long conversations. However, on the contrary, I feel better if i actually go out or make conversations, even on the phone. I do a lot of self talk to assure myself that this is a temporary phase and that all will be fine at the end, because all the older women i have met are doing fine, except for physical aches here n there. but mostly they seem happy and chugging along with a smile. 😃

  • Posted

    Yes yes and yes. Horrible nightmare last night, vivid weird dreams all night every night, The few hours i do sleep. Cant take it anymore. Hang in there:) Really not sure what to do anymore myself, I wish i could give you advice im sorry ❤

  • Posted

    Yes, going through it right now. I am on my 2 day of my period and i feel like i am going crazy. My mind, low energy, anger, insomnia, sinus, back pain, racing heart etc. I so need all these crazy symptoms to end in my life. I pray every morning and night for God to take the symptoms away. I never knew in a million yrs that women can experience such pain and madness. We must hang in there ladies. Everyone try to have a good day Hugs

  • Posted

    YES!!! OMgoodness.. It's about 2 weeks for me beginning to end!!! It's really rough ! I get cravings like nothing and eat like a horse for a couple days, the anger and rage comes, exhaustion too, boobs are full and achy, sore feet and achy knees, under left breast feels odd which I'm sure are heart palps, at times headaches before period, spotting then heavy flow with clots that is a mess. Once I thought I was done for a day then this heavy flow started again!! Such a pain.. This last time I had the headache afterwards which could of been sinus too. The aniexty I think wears me out as well. IDK I keep taking my supplements hoping that something will help.

    • Posted

      Forgot to add the bad cramps that feel like contractions.. These only came a few cycles but they were bad eveen if it was day.. Just odd that I have 2 weeks of this stuff. In my younger years, I don't remember this much trouble.. Must be gearing up to the end BUT jeez what if I go another 5 or 6 years??

  • Posted

    YES! I get my period every 20 days. After a 3-4 day period, I barely have 16 days before I have my period again. I get a menstrual migraine the first day of my period, then I have my worst symptoms when it ends (anxiety, blurry vision, etc.). All my PMS symptoms get ramped up again at ovulation. I get roughly a week of feeling okay before it all starts all over. Basically, I get about 1 week a month of feeling okay.

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