Ovulation Nightmare

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Hello ladies. Im 42 been in peri a little over 2 years. I had my period this month and it was fine better than ok actually. I really didnt have many symptoms I was shocked to say the least period was actually a little lighter this month. Now I am in my ovulation window and for the last 3 days I have felt for better words sh+×÷!!! Im off balance my sinuses are horrible my hr which is normally in the 60's to low 70's is elevated to the 80's and while just walking around can shoot up to about 115 which is making me nervous and now I am starting to have anxiety because of it. My eyes are going wonky and i have had brain fog for 2 days. My question is does this sound familiar to anyone? Do any of you ladies experience this during ovulation. Ugh I do not want a trip to doc and I am trying to control anxiety by telling myself its probably all hormonal. Any kind words of advice or stories woukd be much appreciated. I feel like hell..ugh

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, oftentimes during my time of ovulation.. I get brain fog, fluctuating heart rate, and many other symptoms. I know anxiety plays a huge part as well. Try to relax and think happy thoughts.

    Hang in there, we'll get through this hormonal mess one day 😊

  • Posted

    Yes, I am going to be 48 and right before my period and during ovulation my heart rate increases into 80s and easily jumps with minor movement. I can feel the impact of the hormones every month. I read that the drop in estrogen right before your period bring your period but also for us in perimenopause - messes with our heart rate. I have been tracking it and would like beta blockers for that time of the month. For now, they say I am borderline and to just try and relax - but anxiety keeps me stressed.

    I am hoping this all ends when my period disappears.

  • Posted

    'wonky' eyes lol! cant think of a better way to describe this blurry / unable to focus feeling - yes to that, and mid cycle currently too - guess it might be due to oestrogen rising and falling rapidly - try not to worry and ride it out x

  • Posted

    Yes. It's all due to hormones. Yesterday I felt off balance-- The brain fog makes me feel drunk and stupid. My eyes are going wonky as well and it's very frustrating needing glasses to do anything. Yes to sinus's --- usually the head pressure get to me. My anxiety can hit anytime but usually it's around my period

  • Posted

    Hi yes I hav suffered with horrendous balance issues!! Tinithus fuzzy head like its in a vice!!! Can't walk very far! Caused extreme anxiety started hrt! Praying it works!

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