Ovulation Pain for days
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Hi Ladies, I am wondering have any of you experienced an increase of pain mid cycle. I have always had this mostly on my left side for years, then eventually on my right, but it used to last a day or two at the most and it was more of a pressure pain and I could function in society. Now the last couple of years or so it seems to be getting more intense, it seems to be making my bowels spasm, and cramp and it now can last for several days, to the point of nausea. I have had several ultra sounds from 2016-2018 and everything seems normal and in great shape, but why such intense pain sometimes it radiates through the whole pelvis. My period pain is easy peasy little to no pain and it isn't sharp like this. So many women dread their period and I would take that over the midcycle pain any day. I am going to mention it again to my doctor, but seeing I have had normal ultra sounds, I am doubtful she is going to investigate further. I am just wondering do any of you find it getting worse as they get closer to menopause?
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Sgt.lindalee Takingtime
Hi Takingtime, This is something that can happen to some women...ovulation takes turns one side than other, so the pain changes sides, sometimes one side is worse, you can even develop cysts in one or both ovaries that go away by/after the next cycle, just because they don't show up on ultrasound, doesn't mean they aren't there...but, you can have these problems w/o cysts...I had a cyst on my ovary, Dr always says wait a cycle, check again...it was gone, came back a few months later, I am going through menopause now after years of HRT and that little sucker is back....it doesn't know when to stop...Have you tried heat or ice packs(some prefer one over the other) I find heat more relaxing and use it on your belly/pelvis, then on your lower back...anti-inflammatories during those times (if your Dr says its okay), mild stretching can help relieve spasms & cramps...its worth it to ask your Dr again, even if she just helps you treat the symptoms...hope this resolves on itself or maybe gets better with time, treating symptoms might help give you a break...avoid stress/anxiety & try to relax, Good Luck with this one...BEST WISHES๐โพ๐โฎ๐พ๐๐ถ๐
Takingtime Sgt.lindalee
Thank you for your response, I don't know why but it seems comforting knowing your not alone. I do use heat as well sometimes that's all I need, but this cycle seems more angry so I did give in and took an anti inflammatory and it seems to take the edge off. It seems to be on my left side and that side seems more intense and adds pressure on everything down there, bowels rectum and even some nausea. I also rubbed some essential oils on. Hopefully after a good night sleep it will feel better. Thanks again. ๐ท
Sgt.lindalee Takingtime
Hi Takingtime, If it keeps being that one side, you may want to ask your Dr. if you are having cysts, as that can happen and sometimes they don't go away, it becomes chronic but, hopefully you get some relief, if it keeps you from functioning, time to go back in...You are very welcome!! Best Wishes๐โพ๐โฎ๐พ๐๐ถ๐
ackallday Takingtime
Hi Takingtime,
I agree with SgtLindalee and her advice. Heat/ice, ibuprofen and/or Tylenol for pain works miracles. I have has left-sided ovary pain on/off for the last 5 years that I would describe exactly the way you do. Pain that radiates into the bowel, rectum, pelvis and feels like ovulation x 100. I have had multiple ultrasounds over the years that show that I build up a cyst and most times it appears on the ultrasound as stable (meaning the same size). When it really bothers me, it tends to give me GI distress as well and for about 4 months, I had serious urinary symptoms (urgency and frequency) and I swear I had a huge ovarian cyst. Once the ovary pain lessened, so did the urinary symptoms. I have been having peri symptoms for years but the last 2 years have been awful. I am 46 for reference. I hope that sharing my experience helps you to realize that there are lots of us out here with very similar symptoms and being on here gives us support, we help each other. Keep your chin up. From my experience, symptoms wax and wane, some are horrible for a bit then back off and are replaced by something else. We can get through this together.
Takingtime ackallday
Ackallday, Thank you, yes for some reason it gives reassurance that we are not alone. I am 45 soon 46 and yes the ovulation pain has become so intense worse than period pain and feels different than period pain. My last ultra sound was 2 years ago and showed typical follicle cyst the ones before that were clear and normal. I have had the bladder issues on and off since 2016 and always seemed to flare after ovulation...and even now I get belly button sensitivity like someone is pressing on my belly button sending nerve signals, I have had that on and off for a couple years too it seems to settle after period.