Ovulation straight after period??
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I have finished my period last night/ this morning and I'm already in pain with ovulation cramps. I feel dizzy, lightheaded, my ears are ringing. Can this be possible, I thought I'd get a few days grace between pain feeling dreadful. Any insight would be great. Thanks in advance ladies xx
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debbie_18471 donna48864
This is exactly what has been happening to me for the last 4 months. I begin ovulating the day my period ends. It must be crazy hormones because I too get dizzy and have ringing in my ears. Just had it last night. I absolutely sets off my anxiety and panic as well. Our poor bodies have no time to adjust to these awful extreme hormonal fluctuations. The last two nights I have also woken up drenched in sweat. I am so looking forward to this ending someday. Take Care Donna
Debbie ❤️
donna48864 debbie_18471
jalvarez1010 donna48864
How many days did you have your period for? If it did run too long you do run the chance of running into ovulation time and some women can ovulate more than once or too early. As for the ringing of your ears it might be related to the tension in your neck a lot of times in perimenopause or menopause we as women are very stressed out and are homos Ashley impact our muscle which become very contracted and tight. I had the same issue in my neck area shoulders and back and I thought it was something else. I went to see the chiropractor and I am still seeing a chiropractor to release the numerous knots I have in my back and my neck area which is contributing to the ringing of my ears. Hope you feel better better
donna48864 jalvarez1010