Ovulation symptoms

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Hello ladies,

Have any of you ever had a bad gastritis attack and or pelvic pain like menstrual cramps? I haven't had menstrual cramps with my periods in so long, I've forgotten what they feel like. Yesterday I had the gastritis, today it's cramps. I can't wait to see what it's going to be tomorrow. Every day it's something else. It's enough to drive you mad!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry, I meant for my question to be if you had these symptoms during ovulation?

  • Posted

    Try drinking Kiefer ... I had terrible gastritis bouta in peri and one that almost put me in the hospital the last Time I had my period three years ago. I’m not sure about ovulation

    , but it wouldn’t surprise me because your hormones are fluctuating then also. mine would tear me up at my cycle though ....grrrr... I remember those days 😦 I had an older friend who told me her gastritis and other gastrointestinal symptoms were cyclical, with the seasons. She swore in the fall and winter it got worse and I believe her as mine did the same thing. Knock wood… Haven’t had an incident since. that last time three years ago I felt like I was gonna die. I think it was you I sent the food list to before ? Try to stay away from any triggers, but I know the hormones affect it so much. there is also a wonderful liquid prescription out there called Carafate .... if you’re not on it, ask your doctor about it it’s wonderful 😉 that is a type of pain that almost throws one into a panic attack. also Arrow Root, you can get it at the spice section of a grocer store, that’s good for ulcers and gastritis. you’re not alone, I feel ya, it will get better after Peri. hang in there, and watch your diet with gastritis 😉 xo

  • Posted

    I've never had cramps before with my period (that I ever remember). But this last year, anything goes. A couple of months were really bad that I had to take ibprofens and lay down

  • Posted

    Yes i feel cramps, leg weakness , headaches and back pain during ovulation days...

    earlier in 20 's o 30 ' s i never new when i was ovalting....all days r just normal....only on 1 st of period i feel cramps that' s ...but in peri because of these symptoms i came to know its because of ovaulation ..

    i feel like this..

    Menopause strange and hard phase of life

    Hang is there


  • Posted

    Yes i feel cramps, leg weakness , headaches and back pain during ovulation days...

    earlier in 20 's o 30 ' s i never new when i was ovalting....all days r just normal....only on 1 st of period i feel cramps that' s ...but in peri because of these symptoms i came to know its because of ovaulation ..

    i feel like this..

    Menopause strange and hard phase of life

    Hang is there


  • Posted

    Yes i feel cramps, leg weakness , headaches and back pain during ovulation days...

    earlier in 20 's o 30 ' s i never new when i was ovalting....all days r just normal....only on 1 st of period i feel cramps that' s ...but in peri because of these symptoms i came to know its because of ovaulation ..

    i feel like this..

    Menopause strange and hard phase of life

    Hang is there


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