Oy! Brain fog!
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At 9 pm last night, I opened the stove door to get my popcorn popper so I could make myself a snack. That's when i discovered it. The chicken I had put in the oven at 7pm, still raw. Oh well, jump start on dinner tomorrow! Lol
I swear, i dont even know.if my brain is connected anymore.
2 likes, 24 replies
gillian21741 DearDoe
sue58256 DearDoe
metamorphed sue58256
ha. i went looking for my car keys. looked for 10 mins and came back outside to discover that the car was open, keys in the ignition and it was running. not funny
DearDoe sue58256
I can't tell you how many times I have searched for my house keys only to discover them sticking out of the front door. Lol
liz85864 DearDoe
Tell me about it. I literally cannot remember my name at times.
I am a PA and work is simply dreadful for me at the moments. I have to make lists for everything, and then hope I can find the lists.
I go out in the car and forget where I'm going as well.
I can only hope it improves. I'm sure people who don't know me must think I'm simple at times!!!!
Nightmare. Good luck!!
debbie83588 liz85864
DearDoe liz85864
It's a gift to be simple. Isnt there a song like that. Lol I hope this passes. If it stays I might be in trouble.
2chr2015 DearDoe
I'm always looking for my phone while I'm talking on it😳
DearDoe 2chr2015
monique_93857 2chr2015
2chr2015 DearDoe
kath40707 DearDoe
Ohhh goodness me yes. Sorting myself out some days is like ground hog day. Brain says go and get your hairbrush. Walk to the room get there standing there like a dork forgot what I was getting. Have to take a cellphone snapshot of way I entered the mall to remember where I parked my car. I've list my car and marbles on several occasions thinking it's been stolen. Duh..
DearDoe kath40707
sue58256 kath40707
mabel91872 DearDoe
DearDoe mabel91872