PAC ongoing 3 months

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Hello, I have been skimming this forum and thought I'd add my experience. Currently been experiencing PACS for 2.5 months. Just came on out of no where, very odd and have never experienced them before. For me it feels like the classic 'flutter' in my chest and if I feel my pulse, the compensatory pause is felt and seen on the ecg/ekg.

I contacted my GP who asked me to attend ED as it was an over the phone chat, fair enough. ED were happy with my 12 lead ecg/ekg which at this time did not pick up any PAC. Blood work appears fine.

Consulted with a cardiologist some time later and they suggested if they didn't settle then an echo and 48 hour tape may be worth doing. I had the echo yesterday and am glad to find out there are no issues. I am currently wearing the 48 hour tape until tomorrow morning.

I'm interested to see if I get these palpitations when I sleep, I have been stressed recently but nothing more than what other people experience I guess and I am even getting these palpitations when sitting relaxing which worries me. I know that some people have explained they can be benign, however the amount I am getting (expecting to see thousands when I get the tape results back) concern me.

Has anyone ever had such a high amount of these PACS or PVCS for that matter, and had them disappear as quickly as they appeared? Finding it frustrating that the words 'stress' or 'anxiety' are mentioned anytime I discuss them with anyone, I understand they can be caused by it but for 2.5 months continuously throughout the day??? I would like to be wrong and find out that it is stress causing them however I have my doubts.

As a side note they were confirmed PACS on the echo ecg monitor.

Hope you are all well.

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10 Replies

  • Posted


    Sorry to hear of your problems. Like many here they often to just seem to come out of the blue.

    Did you have any identifiable life style changes just under 3 months ago or so? For example a change of diet, change in a relationship, moving house, changing jobs? Did any new illness present itself such as IBS, shingles, or acid indigestion? Did you put on weight prior to the episodes or embarked on a tough exercise regime?

    Its worth trying to cast your mind back whilst its still fresh in your mind.

  • Posted

    Good point by khaled to which should be added when were you vaccinated? Whilst the risk is relatively small compared to that from contracting covid, the vaccine is known to cause heart problems especially in young men.

    It is not clear whether these heart problems may have been pre existing but the person had been unaware of them

    • Posted

      Yes three, these actually began about 6 weeks after the booster. It was the ED who had highlighted this as a potential, I was reluctant to say about the vaccines as it is a controversial subject still and did not want to put anyone off, as PACs have occurred in people prior to covid.

      I get no blackouts, dizzy spells etc. I am an overthinker and quite anxious generally, and have been under pressure with my job since covid began. So I don't want to jump on the vaccine conclusion straight away.

      Thanks for the reply.

    • Posted

      Also thought i'd add that BNP and troponin tests were included in the blood along with CRP levels etc, which I believe would point to no inflammation, myo/pericarditis etc. 12 lead ECG sinus rhythm.

      Will speak to the cardiologist after they look at the tape, he wasn't concerned the first time I approached him which is a good sign.

    • Posted

      i was gonna say that either Covid or the vaccine can cause heart inflammation... especially the MRNA vaccine can certainly cause heart inflammation in younger people especially younger males ...but the question is why the vaccine can cause heart inflammation either Myocarditis or Precardities ?...there has been some studies suggesting that people getting the vaccine without aspiration..if the vaccine inadvertently been injected directly into a blood vessel by mistake this is when all the problems can happen from the vaccine including heart inflammation..the vaccine should be injected directly into the deltoid muscle and the nurse should pull back the plunger to make sure they are not into a blood vessel but they dont do it here in the UK ...i had my first dose end of October and asked the nurse to aspirate and she refused to do so and i made a scene but they still refused and i ended up taking the first dose without aspiration...on my second dose which i had about a week ago asked the nurse to aspirate and he did so ,,he was a nice nurse ....All iam sure of many people started having heart problems either because of Covid or the vaccine especially heart palpitations Ectopics and fast heart rate ...i had an appointment with an Electrophysiologist on the NHS in January and he told me he is seeing an alarming increase in heart issues since Covid ...iam still waiting for a few tests

  • Edited

    Please let us know how you got on with the tape.

  • Posted

    Echo looking good, no major issues. Tape revealed singular PACS totaling 3% of all beats. and PVCS less than 1%. I feel these have settled significantly and that during the recording I was feeling particularly anxious about it. Cardiologist says there is nothing untoward and these results are reassuring. Now I will try deal with the rest of the PACS by managing the root cause, which now on reflection may actually be stress.


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