PACs and PVCs...what worked for me.

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People's research and sharing is great on these sites. As a matter of fact, I can relate to everyone's research because we all do research. We do it because noone has an answer. Well, I found the solution for me. The cure, not just masking symptoms. And, we're talking about a guy who had PACs and PVC's so bad, that I'd literally get up and drive myself to the hospital Emergency Room parking lot, and sleep in my car there because I felt secure. Now, that's after admitting myself to the hospital, so many times with the same outcome...PAC'S and PVC'S, with the accompanying anxiety to frost it up. Every fricken day, from sunup to sundown, for 12 years, I was convinced that I'd be living with this everyday, near-death nightmare for the rest of my life. I didn't want to live. Every hospital in the area was sick of me. Benign, Benign is what they'd say. When you feel like you're gonna die, Benign, certainly isn't the answer I wanted to hear!!

FACT #1) Lying down on your left side, especially after a big meal DEFINITELY aggravates these conditions when they're "ACTIVE" (key words capitalized) Whatever nerve there is there, is DEFINITELY effected on some kind of level, from being pressed...again, when this condition is ACTIVE. I roll to the right, and it stops...that's a fact, when this condition of having PAC's and PVC's is ACTIVE. My research lasted 12 years before I cured myself of this near-death everyday nightmare!! Xanax, really helped with the anxiety. Anxiety, just escalated the symptoms. But, I could tell, the anxiety was not the cause of the condition of ACTIVE PAC's and PVC's. (mine were 90% of those silly, borderline pass-out, fish-fluttering in my chest feeling, deadly PAC's and just periodic PVC'S.) I know more about what doesn't help then just about anyone else. 

FACT #2) PAC'S and/or PVC'S only happen on the "DOWN-REV" side of your heart rate. Meaning, you can get up and start walking, then faster and faster, then start running and running, with NO PVC'S or PAC'S at all, until the moment you start to slow down, ...again,when your condition of PAC'S is ACTIVE. (I know you're getting sick of me saying, when it's ACTIVE, bear with me, this is going somewhere) . As your heart rate starts slowing down, the PAC's AND PVC's, start kicking off. Try it and you'll see. You don't have to walk fast or even run, but that's when I discovered this characteristic. Almost ANY raise is heart rate is accompanied by a DOWN-REV side. (for lack of a better word, cause I'm am auto-mechanic) ..and that's when they've almost always happened, with me. 

*I think my research is more accurate because I've always had NO other condition, at all, other than these blasted PAC's and sporatic PVC's. Never any medication at all. 

Yes, I know I'm stalling, but I want you to be convinced by proving  that I lived this darn nightmare for 12 years, everyday. I cried for a straight 24 hours, when they suddenly stopped altogether. Not one wrong beat, all day, medication, just a change in one behavior, that I reduced doing. 

I began testing my solution, and it's a closed case, for me. So, to convince myself that "this" was the reason for them, I started doing this behavior, and the PAC's and PVC's, soon began. I stopped, and a day or two later, they stopped. They stopped until I did it again. I started, they started....I stopped, they stopped. I did this test at least 25 times, and like clockwork, the PAC'S and PVC'S followed. What I mean, is that when I started doing this behavior, the PAC'S became ACTIVE, which means the Fact characteristics outlined above, were active.  I got my life back.

Restricting SEX to once in two weeks is what it took to keep the PAC'S gone. If I had sex everyday, they'd come back, like clockwork. When they first stopped, I went 30 days without having sex at all. The 31st day, they stopped, completely. 

I'm thoroughly convinced that this is the reason for my PAC's. Because, hey, once in a while I just forget about the reason for them happening and I endulge,  and sure enough, after a few days, the PAC'S kick in and I realize that I've been over doing it. I stop, they stop after a few days. 

(Sexual content approaching here, with details that are pertinent to my discovery.) 

**KEY POINT...I noticed that I can actually have sex, as often as I want, non-stop even....IF, I control myself and not get the happy You can't even come close. As long as that stimulation DOES NOT happen, the PAC'S won't happen. I'm convinced, that with me, the root cause of PAC'S, is the release of "something" into the bloodstream upon ejaculation....I'm sure of it, because I've pushed the issue for 5 years now and have fine tuned the maximum amount of times that keep the PAC'S at bay. No more than once a week. Again, you can have sex as many times as you want, but only one happy ending per week. 

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5 Replies

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    I'm too familiar with the kinds of symptoms you describe, and getting no help on it from a series of doctors.  Unfortunately your "fix" doesn't seem to work for me, for me sex and these symptoms don't have any fixed relationship.

  • Posted

    While I haven't kept precise records, I'm afraid that I probably have gone 30 days without.

    In fact, suffering from another malady, I'm sure I went 30 days without, and with only the most minor arrhythmias, but in that case the direction of causality was the other way - the arrhythmias (mysteriously!) stopped before 30 days.  But a few weeks later restarted, mildly at first, and now are back to pretty bad at times.


  • Posted

    Here's an update. (Elaboration on physical exertion's relationship to PAC's, during sexual activity.) I determined that my blood pressure skyrockets during "non-leader" type sex. In other words, when I'm being entertained by my girlfriend, (or Rosie), my heart is going through an event that I believe is very rare, compared to the total events that surround MY life. My heart is pounding away, with no physical exertion accompanying it. However, as the leader in sexual activity, I'd be much more physically active, that along with this adrenaline rush, somehow justifies my heart's exertion. I'm no expert at adrenaline rushes with physical exertion or without physical exertion, but I think I'm seeing a pattern here.

    At the time I noticed all this, my lifestyle NEVER included any kind of cardio-type exercise. Maybe these are basic principles of a healthy life, but I began running for the first time in my life. (I'm 56 now) I couldn't believe that after just about 10 or 15 seconds of jogging, I began gasping for air. (By the way, I had my cholesterol checked and an Angiogram just done, because I began getting, in addition to these horrifying PAC/PVC's, this new shortness of breath bonus that terrified me further. Congestive Heart Failure was the scare tactic they used on me that made me sign the consent with the go ahead for that procedure, without even reading it; I thought I was done! After waking up and hearing that no stints were necessary and I had no blockages of any kind, I kicked my personal research into high gear. With Congestive WHATEVER off the table, just "weak heart," was the new nightmare.)

    Anyway, I'm starting to think here that any type of extreme adrenaline rushes, with no physical exertions accompanying them, spike blood pressure and most likely create the conditions that foundation the existence of PAC/PVC's. Extreme driving situations, court appearances, confronting people, or whatever YOUR stressful situations may be, just take note and stop those for 30 days WITH, maybe a cardio workout program, if needed or possible.

    (So, perhaps exposing my pathetic sex life here was unnecessary....)

    So, what's the moral of the story here? It's easy...if you're trying to get rid of your spouse, don't hire a hitman after upping the life insurance. Just keep insisting on her relaxing and you wanting to treat her to what she deserves and YOU doing all the work in bed! Her, and the insurance moderators will see this change in behavior as positive and you just appreciating and loving her more...but, what you're really doing is killing the *****!.....lololol.

    So, on the serious side, this, I believe, is closer reasoning as to why PAC's and PVC's happen. So, send all that down the conveyor belt and see what comes out the other side for YOU! 😃

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