pain :(
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OK OK I have said in my comments how positive I am and today its being tested , I have just got worse throughout the day I had a seizure early this afternoon and the pain has just got worse. I have to stay strong for my husband and kids but inside I am crying right now . I am completely fecked off with it. I confess I am due on and the pain all over seems to be stronger. I am 42 and I am sitting in a chair propped up by cusions a blanket and a hot water bottle for my arms watching emerdale , tried knitting a bloody scarf but my hands/ arms hurt. Rant rant rant !!!!!. wow glad to get that off my chest. sorry everyone but sometimes eh !!.
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chris11339 hazel70459
My arms are always worst so that limits so much and my problem is when I am having a good day I over do it but if ime sore and do nothing I just get sore so there's no balance or not that I have found anyway
I hate saying ime sore to people as I feel that's all that I say now but tonight my whole body aches and I know I am not going to sleep due to the pain I am in
hazel70459 chris11339
tiswas24537 hazel70459
so sewing , baking, writting, and other hobbies i used to enjoy now all come at a price .and the price is PAIN .
i am no others have the same problem its so soul destroying and i get so cross and angry . i love covering up with my fleece throw. it soothes the pain in my arms by warming them up gently wish i could get some fleece arm and leg warmers . my wrist has also locked today i need to crack it like my fingers but it hurts to much hope we all have a better day tomorrow
Flowerlady tiswas24537
hazel70459 tiswas24537
Flowerlady hazel70459
hazel70459 Flowerlady
tiswas24537 hazel70459
i had accupunture on tuesday i told her i wasnt sleeping having lots of dreams in a night, and could feel my body pain so couldnt rest
she did some points and iv had 2nights of good sleep .
i wish i could unlock my wrist it really hurts ,i v found any where iv got an old injury or wound the pain is worse have you found that .
its the same with my husband dosent like going into town with me [scarborough] because i have to hold on to him because i never know when my left knee will give way ,
i can manage with a stick but that makes me feel old . i am 54 but i am not if you know what i mean
i am still little crazy still love life and fashion and music /art/ and love to walk ,its like i have a massive ball of energy inside that i cant do anything with ,i am not ready to hang up my boots and slid into old age
to be honest i never will be ,
even if i make 80 i will still be wearing funky clothes and boots .they day i slip into a cardi and a granny skirt i going to be put down . please god save me from that .
i feel really sad somedays as we all suffer so much and loose so much and yet people think we are faking it ,and trying to get benifit is a nightmare . i am really worried about not getting mine again when it runs out in june.its going to make me even more dependant on my husband
for my ltd pain relief and to get my hair done i cant live with grey hair
. i wont be able to have my accupunture either so i am really scared i will end up not only more house bound but in more pain and grey as well,
my self estem is already on the floor . i am a firecely indepandent aand
its not fair this bloody conditon takes so much from us then we have to fight for what little we have to help us .have some independence sorry iv been on a bit of a downer ,will give you lots of smiles to say thanks for listening to my rant i hope that your having a good day ,
tiswas24537 Flowerlady
our dissabillity is hidden dosent get much descusion in the media and new to the world so to speak
and we feel that very few people even try to understand what we are going thru, you know the only place that dosent hurt on me is my fore head . but when i try to explain. people just roll there eyes and it makes me so angry. but i suppose we will have to try and smile for our own sakes
hazel70459 tiswas24537
hazel70459 tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Flowerlady
tiswas24537 hazel70459
so no benifit none these so il shrivel up and have to stay in .
i rarely go to the doctors so theres not much they can say , on my behalf
so i am stuffed . yes i use i stick if i have to go out on my own it gives me that bit of extra support if my leg gives way .the last time i did i broke my nose and hand
i am just angry that everything is such a struggle and the new benifit system is intent on making it even harder.
i hope you get some good days soon..hun
wendy22970 tiswas24537
tiswas24537 wendy22970
can t be anywhere to hot or to cold Aand i never know when my leg will give out. ANY IDEAS . a cancan dancer maybe
tiswas24537 hazel70459
sukest tiswas24537
tiswas24537 sukest
wendy22970 tiswas24537
tiswas24537 wendy22970
my husband is on a good wage [and dont take this the wrong way] but he treats me like a burden some of us arent as lucky as you are hun .
its awful for me and many others i am sure when you have a partner that just sees you as a nuisence ,i am absolutly dreading it hun if they stop my benifit because i will be even more of a prisoner and more cut of , please dont be offended i dont mean it to come across offencesive in any way .just trying to explain why i claim and hope i still will be able to next time in june .
it would be nice if we all had a Dimomond Geezer like yours unfortunatly that isent always the case.
you know what mine said when i fell in 2013 breaking my nose ,
youv caused me a great deal of inconveience ,cause he had to take days of work because of me having slight concussuion
.i am sure you do hun ,but prize your husband highly they dont come along very often like yours .,
, my your god bless you with a peaceful night,
Flowerlady tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Flowerlady
but i get your drift would be nice to chill with a nice warmth surrounding us i am on the norh east coast the cold really bites here
Flowerlady hazel70459
sukest tiswas24537
tiswas24537 sukest
hazel70459 Flowerlady
Flowerlady hazel70459
hazel70459 Flowerlady
hazel70459 Flowerlady