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i am having pain and weakness. my symptoms are very typical fibromyalgia but i cannot understand why in the wirkd this is starting!! is there anyone out there that has had fibro come on from hormonal imbalance/perimenopause?????
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DearDoe nakai25859
yes. I think its pretty common that fibro is affected by hormones. have you been diagnosed with fibro?
nakai25859 DearDoe
i havent been officially diagnosed by a rheumatologist but my integrative med dr thinks thats what it is and i have all the classic symptoms. actually im pretty much textbook!
tamshac77 nakai25859
Where is your pain? I have it too in my hips, knees, legs and feet. Sometimes in my head arms and back - it moves around.
nakai25859 tamshac77
yes!! mine is in my neck, back, elbows, arms, thumbs, ribs, hips, thighs and knees.
tamshac77 nakai25859
I also get pain in all those places so you're not alone. I also have tingling everywhere and feels like something is crawling on me. I also have muscle twitches. I take 5mg of amlodepine daily for blood pressure and 200mg of sertraline a day for anxiety so I also wonder if I'm experiencing side effects.
nakai25859 tamshac77
i have tingling in my legs too!! and the twitches!!!! So weird!!!
Brittay123 nakai25859
I have pain and weakness mostly in my hips and hamstrings and calves!! its terrible!! you are not alone!!
grace50455 nakai25859
my pAIN started in my wrists 4 years ago,
now its in my arms,shoulders,feet. I have just started feeling it in my knees and head this week.
someone once said on here they felt like a ping pong inside because the pain moves around so much. Are the symptoms of FIbromyalgia the same as Arthritis?
notsure47790 grace50455
all the those autoimmune conditions can be similar in manifestation. With symptoms so general and unspecific it is so tough to say without extensive professional testing. The symptoms can mean so many things- from anxiety to anything truly physical you can think of!
So simple answer is- they can have similar manifestation, but you cannot know for sure which one you have or even if you have anything at all- unless you have been officially diagnosed.
That is my unprofessional opinion:) based on life experience.
RACHAEL2411 nakai25859
Hi, I haven't had it brought on by hormones, but I've had fibromyalgia for 15years. And the last 4years my symptoms have become 10fold!!! Which I put down to hormones making it alot worse as I've been going through perimenopause for about 5/6years now. I'm terribly irritable, awful mood swings, dizziness, my anxiety and panic attacks gone through the roof, insomnia, and my pain in my hips, neck, back, wrists, knees has just gone off the scale along with crashing extrem exhaustion. Which I've put down to perimenopause making my fibro worse. Even had bloods taken this week because so worried how exhausted I'm feeling and the pain. But from what I've read up on it does say perimenopause can cause extreme tiredness and joint pain. Can anyone else shed any light on it please...? Hope you feel better soon... I just pray it gets better soon for all us unfortunate women going through the change. 🙏🙄😕
nakai25859 RACHAEL2411
thank you for your response! yes that all sounds very familiar!! so good to know im not alone!!