
Posted , 8 users are following.

hi you lovely ladies does anyone suffer with shoulder pain and rib pain with menapause. i have aches and pains all over but these 2 places the worst xx

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    i have definitely had the rib times it feels like (this sounds very weird but..) my ribs are dried out twigs and will break if anyone were to squeeze me..just a weird ache..I do not know how to describe it...I use a heating pad and that helps a bit as well as Advil.. My shoulders ache if I lay on my side a lot..which I cant control while im again with the heat and advil..a physical therapist friend recommended I drink more water as dehydration makes aches worse...hope you are reassured..I know it helps to know I am not alone!

    • Posted

      hi amy thank you for your reply its awful when we need reasurrence all the time but nice to know were not alone xx

  • Posted

    Oh yes my dear. I'm going through this now. I think it's GI related especially the under the rib cage pain. It could also be costochondritis which is inflammation of the cartilage surrounding the ribs. It is very common in women especially during menopause. Hope you feel better soon

  • Posted

    Hello karen, I was wondering if during this rib pain are you experiencing and difficulty in breathing?

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