Pain and pressure in heart area, pain when breathing and dizziness

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I suffer from anxiety and have been having chest pains for a while about 4 mths ago I had an echo stress and 7 day Holter monitor ordered by a cardiologist this was normal. I still had chest pains after visited the er 4 times the ECG, chest x-ray and blood work was normal.

I recently got my pandemic vaccine and then saw on the news about heart inflammation I became worried I viited the ER 4 times again in two months felt a tightness and sticking in my chest it was normal. Today I was laughing at a joke with someone had my mask on suddenly I felt I couldn't breathe like then my chest pain came and the heart area felt tight and pressure in my chest feel a bit different from the other times and when breathing it hurts prior to this pain in my head and felt like my eyes are darting away , told the doctors they said it's anxiety since my CT was normal.

I had an ECG 6 days ago and a chest x-ray it said the heart shape was normal. I visited the er so many times that the doctors are starting to become not so friendly at times , since one told me an ECG won't change in a week or chest x-ray and you also had a cardiologist testing done.

I am worried my doctor and er doctors told me anxiety could be causing this I also suffer from gerd. I am a health male in my 30's , normal weight and no drug use

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  • Posted

    you have anxiety. anxiety can cause all kinds of symptoms which are not harmful. It can cause pain anywhere in the body including in the chest. It’s not going to hurt need to learn how to manage your anxiety.

    speak with a counselor who can show you how to manage this better. you’re having way too many tests done

    . At some point you have to accept that there is nothing wrong except for having some anxiety.

    you’re going to be OK. Calm yourself down . there are a lot of relaxing meditation for anxiety on YouTube. Take care

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