Pain and stiffness in peri
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Hi ladies
I have suffered with Achilles tendonitis for 20 years now due to kickboxing (I'm no wimp) but sometimes I've noticed it's alot better some days when I've not really done anything different so my question is have any of you ladies had past injury's or general pain that's got worse in peri and does it come and go or is it pretty consistent. Also I've noticed lower back pain that comes and goes and more recently what I can only describe as arthritic hands where I can't grip/grab things properly and soooo stiff generally when first get out of bed, but only noticed this when started hrt. Can hrt make pain worse or give you painful joints. My doc said my hands are peri related not hrt but it does say in side effects. I need to walk daily as helps my mood but I feel like 80 most days ??
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Guest sarah05599
Hi Sarah, yes definitely. I have arthritis and degenerative discs in my back/neck...wear and tear years of past and present physical jobs, and I have a tiny frame. My lower back kills! I am a pet stylist,(taking some time off now) so years of holding scissors, lifting, etc my joints hurt during ovulation especially. Definitely pain is more intolerable due to hormone fluctuations. I have always taken a multi and omega 3 vitamin...I feel no different. 😐
sarah05599 Guest
Hi Lou
Yes it puzzles me when sometimes it can disappear especially my ankle pain as unless I never walk anywhere for months(not possible as don't drive) it's pretty much there all the time so thought this peri must aggravate it as yes if I go on a long walk they do feel worse but sometimes if I just go local they can still be painful. It's the hands that are really puzzling me though as didn't have it b4 started the hrt so thinking of quitting it gradually to see if the pain and stiffness goes.
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, what a great career (pet stylist) I always said if their were pet spas around, the pets would truly enjoy!!! puppy massage, paint the nails groom the works!I raise and train Dobermans ! So I know plenty of time and hard work for sure goes into training these guys! They absolutely love to be groomed and pampered lol! I too haven't been doing much with the training these past months because of well you know this dreaded meno just stops you in your these days I just try to keep busy with my hobbies and selling on eBay..
Guest Gypsy014
sarah05599 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy
Aww love dobermans to! My love of dogs began with a female doberman called Sammy 30 odd years ago. She belonged to an ex's parents and she was very unpredictable with strangers but took to me straight away and we became inseperable.
Guest sarah05599
I also put tiger balm on my back /neck when it acts up...some relief 😊
sarah05599 Guest
Really, may get some and try it on my ankles, thanks for that😀 I tryed everything on ankles, pysio, heel lifts, staying off then as much as I can, anti inflammatory ( made my stomacher grumble all day so stopped taking them) nothing worked so I'll give the tiger balm a go. It's hard when you used to be fit and active and now everything hurts and u feel so old 😕
sarah05599 Guest
Really, may get some and try it on my ankles, thanks for that😀 I tryed everything on ankles, pysio, heel lifts, staying off then as much as I can, anti inflammatory ( made my stomacher grumble all day so stopped taking them) nothing worked so I'll give the tiger balm a go. It's hard when you used to be fit and active and now everything hurts and u feel so old 😕
sarah05599 Guest
Hey Lou, hot footed it to my local boots(literally 2 mins away across my street) brought some and sitting here with nice warm tingly feeling in my ankles 😀
Guest sarah05599
Gypsy014 sarah05599
Yes Sarah, the arthritis pain can really take hold on you during this change for sure.. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis during all this , and the pain is REDICULOUS... nothing helps, i just bear it during my flare ups which I believe are caused by my shifting hormones.. And the lower back when that flares up, I can't even stand or bend to brush teeth over sink for a few days of very intense pain, feels like a broken back no kidding.. during changes in weather (barometric pressure) changes are the worst... Puts the worst kind of pressure on every joint in my body, feels like I'm being squeezed everywhere.. And the joints get hot and swollen.. All during the summer I have total relief, its great, then like now,I m starting to feel the pressure change with the season getting ready to change, and oh boy im not looking forward to it as all winter I'm in misery with pain, I will say heat bottles , warming pads in the microwave. Wraps, and heating pads are my best friends during winter.. At this point I do what I can to make myself as comfortable as I can for winter.. It sucks but that's all part of this.. I truly hope and pray it all gets better after hormones settle...
sarah05599 Gypsy014
Yes I'm dreading the winter to as my tendonitis aches more in the cold and now I have this pain and stiffness in my hands I'm dreading it even more. I'm hoping it's the hrt as it only started when I started on that(could be a coincidence) but I'm reducing the dose to every 2 days for a week till I come off it to see if it was that.
mauiblue sarah05599
Lions and tigers and aches and pains oh my.
i live with intermittent lower back pain every morning i get up and lots of neck pain due to loss of disc space etc. i just know its worse now, and live with it.
its the mental part of this rodeo thats hardest to bare.
Guest mauiblue
Hi Maui, do your neck troubles cause head pressure and dizziness? I am going nuts with head pressure lately. Not sure if its the weather. I have arthritis in my neck...found through xray. I am ovulating right now, My neck is killing...hurt it yesterday dealing with my son. My head is ready to pop! I’m told anxiety, blah, blah. I’ve been on an AD for 2 months. I swear if I didn’t know better there’s something growing in my brain. Had clear MRI last year. Do you ever get head pressure? 🤔
mauiblue Guest
Hi Lou
Im not sure what this pressure could be? I know that often time nerves in our neck can get compressed which triggers pain, and comes from muscles that are reacting to that. So for sure also the neck can cause dizziness thats positional, like if i twist my head back far and to the side, i can sometimes bring on vertigo.
It also might be from the AD..? only because i hear of this complaint of pressure ad wobbly feeling when on and antidepressant. Looks like youve narrowed it down to one of those things.
Because of the mood issues i now deal with i never really even talk about this stuff because im so used to it. It all started in my mid 40's, i didnt know what was going on..just major neck and headaches.
Definitely the headaches are cervicogenital, stemming
from the cervical spine for sureeee.
so ya, sorry about this..
'cervicogenic" not cervicogenital
Guest mauiblue
Freudian slip😂
mauiblue Guest