Pain at back of ears and neck stiff
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has anyone suffered with pain at back of their ears and stiff neck.
i am reducing from 3mg to 2.5mg could this be the answer.
going on thursday for US on neck as i have had problems with swelling on my right side of neck. my doctor is not happy about how the hospital is going about things. Next monday i am having the steroid injections on both hands as well as bum so sorry if this mail is not readable.
i must also say my currant dosage is 8mg split 5mg morning 3mg night.
also i know i have asked before but how do i get onto the other forum.
Eileen i hope all is well with the OH and yourself
many thanks mad mags
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EileenH margaret22251
Things have been better but he is improving and starting to eat again so can't complain. He even took the initiative to go out for a walk this morning - on a day with little sun and hovering around freezing! Unheard of! It was a lovely day yesterday with sun and 6C - felt really springlike which is scary at the beginning of January up here! The roads and paths are mostly clear and dry so walking is OK - it is supposed to snow overnight so that'll be a bit different tomorrow.
Hope the US goes OK - it could be the reduction making itself felt but who knows.
Thank you Eileen, glad things are improving
Flutterbie57 margaret22251
I have been getting sharp pains behind eyes for a few months. They come and go quickly. Eyes have been checked out , but all looks fine. I am on 6mg
Just wondering why you are getting injections in hands ? I have probably missed it somewhere else. All my joints have been clicking and painful and insecure for months too. This week it struck my index finger. It behaves like trigger finger. Shoulder and forearm were painful too. By the 3rd day I could not believe how painful one finger could be. I have got it sorted for the moment, but I know my problems are not over. There is always something new popping up. Is this to be expected once you get below 10mgs ?
margaret22251 Flutterbie57
I also suffer with a lot of pain in my eyes, i am not sure but i think other penople do as well.
the reason i am having injections in hands is because i suffer with RA/OA so i have been told.
somedays i can not do the basic things, and my hands swell a lot even typing is so painfull.
i have mid foot OA as well, so walking some days is not good, so what with pmr and all he above every day can be a challange, but ihink there is always some worse than me.
i know from experiance when i get below 10mgs i seem to et new problems. the lowest i have got to is 3mg than back up to ten , but the dsns method is the best way for me, at the moment i am reducing by half mg at a time, found reducing by one mg too much.
i think i am lucky as i have a good rhymi, he laughs sometimes at me when i go with my information , never seems to talk down to me. i hear some stories on this forum what trouble people have with their rhymis and they change them as well so often, how they manage to get treated i never know.
hope you have a good day
Anhaga Flutterbie57
Is the pain right behind the eyes, or could it be originating beside the eye? Trigeminal neuralgia?
Flutterbie57 Anhaga
Mine is right behind the eyeball. Sometimes in the middle, more often though in the corner by the nose, but still just behind eye ball. It is very sharp pain, but fades fairly quickly. I will have to go look up that medical term. My Dr made 'no comment'.
Anhaga Flutterbie57
Healthline has an article about five most common causes of eye pain. Have you seen an eye doctor - not the kind who just does your eyeglass prescription but a doctor trained to know eye conditions and diseases? They seem to have different qualifications in different countries but here (Canada) I would see an ophthalmologist for persistent symptoms like yours.