Pain at waistline
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Looking for ideas here, its been around 18 months since I hurt myself on the job site (construction, and unsure it was even related)
Lifting floor joists with others and typical discomfort but nothing crazy, that night I had pain on my waist line above both my legs. Went to DR. where I met with NP. NP states I had a hernia on both sides, one side was worse than the other, neither bulging but still there. They sent me to a hernia specialist/surgeon. Exam ended with him leaving me in more pain from pushing and such but states no hernia, but pulled muscles on both sides, sent me home with Vicodin...
Pain persists 6 weeks later, got in contact with specialist again, they did an ultrasound on both sides, both came back normal, no hernia, no pulled/strained muscles, nothing. 6 months goes by the left side is 100% better, no issues. Right side flairs up every other week it seems. Back in touch with specialist, another ultrasound, nothing, states I likely have a pulled muscle, and that it takes MONTHS for them to go away, asks if I want more pain meds, no... States my lifting limit is 8lbs (gallon of milk) PFFT, I have a newborn and a 3 year old at home, there is no way... But I try my best over a month or so. Pain still there, lifting nothing, couch potato...
Said "F" it, went about my life. A tad under a year after, at my routine with my reg DR. he asks about my mood, depression, pain. Explain I'm freaking depressed, I am in pain almost every day and I just deal with it, eat ibuprofen like candy because I don't want to eat hard stuff every day. I have to pick my kids up, it's my job. I have since stopped construction and moved to office side full-time so no heavy lifting aside from a small child and a medium sized 3 year old.
He orders a CT of my area that I'm having pain on, I feel like my mood went positive, maybe he actually cares and won't send me away like the last dude did twice...
CT comes back norm, no issues... That was like 3 weeks ago, got a call from DR today they want to send me to another GI person or w/e...
Feel like this won't ever end, and my insurance really just LOVES me right now. Awaiting referral I suppose to this person, which will likely be another week or two, whats a few weeks when its been almost 18ish or so months.
Hurts when I use bathroom. (yeah sometimes I bear down, I try not to, so then I sit there for 20-30, can't always do that)
Hurts when I mow the lawn.
Hurts when I lift my kids.
Hurts when I sleep, so I get sh&&y sleep.
Now tired all the time due to no sleep.
Now mood is crap, I power through it.
They gave me sleep study, diagnosed now with apnea, gave me mask, need to lay on back, can't lay on back due to pain, so I don't use mask, F me right?
Hurts when I drive more than 10 minutes, and I've tried lumbar, different vehicles, etc.
Helps when I walk, but I can't just walk all day, so around once an hour or so I get up and walk around, it helps, but then 10-15 of sitting back down it hurts.
I might try a stand-up desk, but seriously, my desk is so small now...I can't keep being depressed like this, and yes walking helps, but standing all day isn't fantastic, I get other pains, or the pain does eventually come back if I stand and don't move.
Hurts when I sit in office chair, tried a bunch of chairs, have Herman Miller now, was not cheap, but worth it, still hurts...
I find no comfort/joy in doing anything anymore, the only enjoyment I get is playing with my kids, which is hard to do sitting on the floor, we do a lot of swing-set play because I only have to push them, but I am freaking depressed so I eat, which I have gained weight. Insurance won't pay for me to see a professional to discuss my depression/eating, but WILL pay for me to get weight loss surgery, which I feel would help my weight, but not help my initial pain so I will be right back to where I was mere months after the surgery.
Someone had mentioned "nervous stomach" I looked it up, hate to just look at symptoms online and then be like "Yeah I have 8/10 of those, I have it" mindset, IBS fits somewhat, but nothing explains the crappy pain I have that ultimately radiates to my right testicle some days, or causes my waist to feel like I'm getting a shot with no local (not that intense, but I don't really know how to explain it.)
An odd symptom which every med professional found odd, I have no idea when I have to pee anymore, its the same pain there all the time, so I just train myself to go restroom every 1-2 hours, or when I'm focused and the pain gets really bad I know I haven't relieved myself. So I guess I know when I have to pee when my regular pain gets insane, but it's not a "Oh I have to pee" feeling, its a craptastic pain train.
Hah pain train.
Any ideas?
I've fasted, it helps, but ultimately when I try to do anything like house work or yard work, or any type of "help my wife out" work I get pain for the next week or two off and on, so it's just a great cycle.
Please don't tell me I have a pulled muscle or something, I've tried the sit and do nothing approach, also tried the sit in an office chair approach. I really just want to get back out there and start building and lifting again, pain won't get any worse, so why not... ugh
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mary19068 VeritasBlade
Hi VeritasBlade
You may have a condition called "Varicoceles" it is related to straining i.e straining when lifting heavy objects . Excessive running also causes it. Varicoceles is a swollen vein in the testicle which causes pain which can radiate to the lower abdomen. Ask to be checked out for this condition....
VeritasBlade mary19068
Thank you, I will check into this, laying down doesn't help the pain, I have to sit just right or lay all awkward to get that pain to go away and then regular back pain comes. I go to the specialist next week and will mention this at that time.
pippa58442 VeritasBlade
When you get injured, you can be left with neuralgia which never goes away. Sometimes the body forgets to turn its pain receptors off and acts as if the injury has not healed when it has. I have this in both arms; one from a blood test injury and the other from a fall on my elbow.The only thing that gets rid of the pain is hot weather. I have been in Italy since the end of May and I have been mainly pain free.
VeritasBlade pippa58442
I sure hope it isn't something that just won't go away 😕 It has been quite hot outside lately and I've been through this in the winter, it doesn't appear that any temp or humidity level helps or hurts it, merely just living day to day doesn't make it anymore manageable. I'm going to mention next week to the specialist about a Varicoceles and go from there, though I am not very hopeful.
pippa58442 VeritasBlade
Best of luck It's also worthwhile asking about neuralgia too just to rule it in/out.