Pain attack on left of naval

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So... I've had two attacks in one week. Left sided pain at night few hrs after eating. Sweating and fever and pulse racing. Vomiting and felt like I needed to have bowel movement but couldn't push for the pain. Sat on toilet for hour in agony with bowl in front of me occasionally vomiting and eventually had vowels open but poop was normal. No diarrhoea. Pain went almost through to my back and it was like a stabbing rolling contracting pain. My tummy blew up huge and I could hear very loud gurgling sounds like liquid swishing sound, coming from my left side just under ribs. And it felt like something was bubbling on my left side, bit like something needed to be drained out to relieve pressure. I'm terrified to be honest. I'm scared to eat at moment. Attacks are getting more often and a dull pain is always there in my left side. Anybody shed any light on these symptoms? I'm scared when the next attack will come!!....

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms and how long have you had them?
    • Posted

      I saw a doctor bout six months ago. Looked at me like I'd gone mad, said he thought IBS, I went back few weeks later and told him I can't stand pain. He sent me for ultrasound with a horrible woman who only scanned my right side and not much on left and results said all clear. I've had this about almost a year now. It's getting worse.

    • Posted

      Could be IBS.  Start a food diary to see if you have any food triggers.  See a different doctor and perhaps ask for another ultrasound.  I have IBS and have stomach pain predominantly.  I have had change of bowel habit, back pain, heartburn, anxiety and nausea.  Going to the loo eases the pain.
  • Posted

    Hi Anxy

    Can you remember whst you ate before going to bed?... whatever it was upset your digestive system.

    Whatever it was you ate do not eat it again or anything similar to wishes..

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