Pain back of head for 2 months.. occiptical neuralgia?

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Hi im 29 year old female and been getting pain at back of head since middle of feb 2017.. at times it can ease a little but never goes away completely.. it feels like the bone at back of head is bruised and sore to touch it can also hurt lying down on pillow.. scalp can also feel sore and hurts to tie hair up.. my neck isnt stiff and ive been for massage to loosen muscles incase it was that but no help at all..

Does this sound like occiptical neuralgia ?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm no expert but get similar symptoms alongside facial pain. When I saw a neurologist he mentioned he thought the occipital nerve was involved but there are a number of different conditions that can cause nerve pain. It would be worth speaking to your doctor about it especially as it has been going on for a while.

    • Posted

      Yeah i think mine is nerve related to be honest.. mine is just constant pain arrghh
  • Posted

    I have the same symtoms.i also feel sever pressure on my 10 to 15 kg of weight is on my head pressing my scalp forward or deep.some time weight become light like 3 to 5 kg.even posture change can make different pressure.scalp little numbness.pressure is to much to not work.when sleeping pressure diminishes .my neurologist said their are many reason of this.
  • Posted

    And one thing when u writing on touch mobile or reading on u feel some more discomfort that u start massaging ur scalp top and back.and u just want to finish quickly to avoid this feeling .and avoid reading again what u write because of this u can touch two vein on your top of head scalp do u feel they are a little heaver then normal?u try to take them in ur fingers which feels u there is some liquid in it or some cholesterol in it that's why u feel that may be blood is not moving forward normally from them .these two veins meet in top of the head.can u listen or feel pulsating there when u touch there.or when u put finger on it do u feel u actually stopping blood supply toward somewhere because of ur finger.and do u feel something actually burning on ur top and back u put ur arm on ur forehead to top when u try to sleep?do u some time feel this pain also near ur nose.or the starting point is nose to towards back of head or scalp to towards nose and cheeks.are ur both hand thumbs shivering when u r writing on ur mobile?

  • Posted

    And one thing when u writing on touch mobile or reading on u feel some more discomfort that u start massaging ur scalp top and back.and u just want to finish quickly to avoid this feeling .and avoid reading again what u write because of this u can touch two vein on your top of head scalp do u feel they are a little heaver then normal?u try to take them in ur fingers which feels u there is some liquid in it or some cholesterol in it that's why u feel that may be blood is not moving forward normally from them .these two veins meet in top of the head.can u listen or feel pulsating there when u touch there.or when u put finger on it do u feel u actually stopping blood supply toward somewhere because of ur finger.and do u feel something actually burning on ur top and back u put ur arm on ur forehead to top when u try to sleep?do u some time feel this pain also near ur nose.or the starting point is nose to towards back of head or scalp to towards nose and cheeks.are ur both hand thumbs shivering when u r writing on ur mobile?

  • Posted

    And one thing when u writing on touch mobile or reading on u feel some more discomfort that u start massaging ur scalp top and back.and u just want to finish quickly to avoid this feeling .and avoid reading again what u write because of this u can touch two vein on your top of head scalp do u feel they are a little heaver then normal?u try to take them in ur fingers which feels u there is some liquid in it or some cholesterol in it that's why u feel that may be blood is not moving forward normally from them .these two veins meet in top of the head.can u listen or feel pulsating there when u touch there.or when u put finger on it do u feel u actually stopping blood supply toward somewhere because of ur finger.and do u feel something actually burning on ur top and back u put ur arm on ur forehead to top when u try to sleep?do u some time feel this pain also near ur nose.or the starting point is nose to towards back of head or scalp to towards nose and cheeks.are ur both hand thumbs shivering when u r writing on ur mobile?

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