pain down back of throat and alcohol
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Hi all,
I'm currently trying out some meds (20mg omeprazole once a day) for suspected acid reflux. A few questions about some symptoms I've noticed these last few days:
-does anyone elses throat sting when drinking alcohol? I've been completely avoiding it but had a small glass to toast at a wedding and I've noticed it stings like my throat is raw on the inside at the back.
-I've been getting a lot of tightness/tension in my neck. I'm not sure if that's tension from acid reflux or the anxiety I seem to have with it.
- post nasal drip-does anyone else get this? I feel like I have to keep swallowing mucous or something down. It was pretty bad earlier and since then when I swallow it feels sore and tender from the back of the roof of my mouth going down
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jadie-leig62517 Abracadabra0
I'm on 40mg omeprazole and I tend to get mucous stuck in the back of my throat all the time and it makes me cough and gag so much that I vomit.
I suggest try going back to the doctors and asking about these symptoms and see if there is anything that the doctors can do to help.
Do you get adombal pain at all with your acid? If so it might be bile or gul stones.
shelley30084 Abracadabra0
Hi, if you do have have acid reflux it has probably burnt your throat and thats whats causing the stinging.
The tablets stop your stomach from producing a lot of acid so if it still comes up it wont burn.
I have acid reflux and globus, symptoms include a feeling of mucous, neck stiffness and occasional diaphram pain.
?I'm on lansoprazole, similar to what you are on and have improved.
?My theory about the mucous i think i feel is that it is foam from the acid, sometimes if i get too hungry i can see white foam stuck at the back of my throat,
help_jacqui shelley30084
Hey, you know shelly, I was thinking the same thing about the hungry part. I don't eat all the time, and that might be it as well. Hmm I mean about the lump in my throat. Cause its never burning like.
DWKingsmill Abracadabra0
Although a very good forum, most of the people using it seem to be like you, in that they know a little about their condition, but perhaps lack a wider understanding of medicine. I urge you to consult your physician with these concerns, because although superficially eminently remedied, there is also a risk of something more ominous. If you have recently undergone scoping and biopsy of your throat, and stomach you may not need a potentially expensive investigation. If not, then your physician may feel the need to do this, just to rule out some of the more serous reasons for the various symptoms you describe.
With regard to the use of omeprazole, although a most efficacious drug, there are possible long term implications with taking it, particular for an extended period. Nothing is as effective however, and surgical interventions often prove to be a viable alternative.
Hope this helps Regards D.W Cornwall U.K
Abracadabra0 DWKingsmill
Thanks David. I have already spoken to about these symptoms in my initial appointment which is when I was given omeprazole. Given the other symptoms I've had (burping, the feeling of sick starting to come up in my throat when I burp), the lack of others (no weight loss etc) and my age and lifestyle etc (I've only just turned 31, no smoking, excessive drinking or other risk factors) the doctor didn't seem too concerned and wanted to try omeprazole in the hope this is a temporary flare up due to stress I've been going through at the moment. If these tablets work the plan is for me to try and come off them to see if I stay ok. My main issue is that I health anxiety so have a tendency to think the worst so it helps to speak to people that are having the same symptoms as me. I don't have any other problems swallowing (pain or actually getting the food down) but really acidic food just feels like its stinging a bit. I actually have suspected LPR as opposed to acid reflux so unfortunately the acid seems to come up higher and actually make my mouth and throat particularly sore.
DWKingsmill Abracadabra0