Pain for the last 4 years everywhere in my abdomen

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So I'm 21. Pain has been going on for 4 years. I and the gallbladde3r out because of stones and then an endoscope after the pain failed to subside and they found h.plori and acid. I got tablets and they treated that but the pain persisted out my back.

For the last few months the pin got worse and I'm so scared. I have pain in my lower left side, upper right side and right in the pit of my stomach and sometimes out my back.

I feel like my body is rotting. I have anxiety so they instantly blamed IBS and everytime I go bakc to the doctors and specialists they tell me to double my acid tablets and eat more fruit/veg.

In the last 2 weeks I started getting this burning in my throat(I do suffer from a lot of mucus, which I put down to my allergies, so I thought my throat was dry from always clearing my throat but the burning isn't like heartburn, I've lost my voice in the last 2 days and have to wait until the new year before my doctor is open again

I know it's terrible but I'm so scared I have cancer somewhere and it's rotting me from the inside. I don't wanna die this young. I want to live.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Are you on an medication for the anxiety?  Stomach issues can make you even more anxious.  Have you had any scans?  I am being worked up for similar issues and it may be h pylori related (being scoped Friday).   I had to get some help to deal with the anxiety because I was freaking myself out.    Breathe a little, and make an appointment and tell your doctor exactly what you’re worried about.  You’re not the only one struggling, I promise!
    • Posted

      hi, no not on any medication for the anxiety mainly because I can't swallow pills.  See I'm so unsure if it's my anxiety making everything worse (can anxiety give pain in backs and all those pace?) or if it's something seriously wrong. I do feel really nauseous everyday.

  • Posted

    try to get mastic gum it should work for you someone receomended it for me also
  • Posted

    Hi zoo12313

    The HPylori may not have been eradicated completely..have you had another test to check if all the HPylori is gone. Sometimes some of the bacteria remains and multuplies again....and causes pain again..Also, the HPylori will have made your gut very, very sore so you have to be careful what you eat. Stick to foods that are not spicey, fatty or fried,no fizzy drinks or citrus fruit...have chicken and fish cooked in coconut oil or olive oil...take probiotic tabs to put good bacteria into your gut and biopot yogurts with cultures.....drink water no caffeinated drinks just decaf....Also, if you haven't been checked for complete eradication of the HPylori bacteria go back to your doc and get it checked. Stop stressing and worrying it will make the pain wishes.....

    • Posted

      hi, thanks for the reply. I had a retest on the h.plyori which turned out negative so still unsure of what's causing the pain. I was worried that it might be my pancreas.

    • Posted

      Hi zoo12313

      Have you tried changing your diet?..if not do it and the after a while if you still have pain you can go back to doc tell him of your dietry changes and suggest he test for best wishes to you...

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