Pain from abdomen down to legs

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This week I have been to my doctors 4 times to be told they are really unsure what is wrong with me.

My symptoms include pain from my abdomen down through my groin and down my legs, the feeling is almost like tingles but intense especially on my thighs. I had tests done to reveal I had a urine infection although not showing any of the symptoms.  I am also constipated as going to the bathroom seems impossible as the pain is in my bum too and causing me to tense up. Does anyone know what could be the problem? Thank you.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi lauren37186

    You msy be Vit D deficient and vit B12 deficient which causes tingles..ask doc to check them for wishes...

    • Posted

      Oh I never thought of this! I will ask about it definitely, and I might start taking vitamin supplements.
  • Posted

    Hi Lauren, 

    I am not medically qualified at all and a very old lady that suffers with chronic constipation and at the minute very tender right sided of abdomen, awaiting a second bowel PRolapse repair..

    so i I only have  just a temporary idea..that may help, ,for a day or two,have clear broth or liquid and then for a few days several really tiny meals, maybe something you really enjoy and eat nice and slowly sitting up at a table 

    and I was careful with skins on fruit, like apple skins and grape skins,, as the cutting back for a few days helped...not cured.... I think i was getting very clogged up ..

    This is not advice at all but this I did what helped after a few days on cutting back...

    Even if you feel This comment isnot appropriate or sensible for yourself, I wish you the best and hope it’s just temporary 

    Hather 😊

    • Posted

      Thank you so much! I will definitely keep this in mind! It’s so odd how I went from being completely fine one day to unable to walk the next! I’m very reliant on pain killers which is upsetting. Thank you again for your help 
  • Posted

    I should have  said my tiny meals  were chicken salmon or fish not hamburgers and chips etc 😉

  • Posted

    Have you heard of Louise Hay? if not please take time to read her beliefs about constipation, thighs etc, by the way, this isn't in your head either. If you can stomach prunes or the juice take some daily to help with going to the loo but don't just stop when you have had a bowel movement. Eat 2-3 prunes or a small glass of juice for at least 2 weeks. 

    If you take painkillers they can make you constipated as well.

    Constipation can cause a host of other medical conditions.

    Good Luck...

  • Posted

    Sounds a lot like compressions be it blood supply or nerve issue.

    Have you had

    - a doppler ultrasound for pelvic congestion syndrom?

    Also sometimes it is not those veins itself, it is a further up nutcracker (of left renal vein) causing the backlash onto lower veins.

    - if it was neuropathic pain, you must not wear anything tight around your waist. A pain specialist could shed some light onto it, too from a different angle.

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