pain in abdomen

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liver engymes double what they should be. pain in abdomen under rib cage, comes and goes, sometimes followed by nauser, vomiting, diaharrea sometimes not, then disappears, feels like gallbladder attack, but gallbladder removed years ago.....


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Is your pancreas functioning normal I get all of those symptoms due to chronic pancreatitis ...
    • Posted

      GI doc running blood tests, and and setting up mrpc to be done, hopefully this will provide some answers, and if my pancreas is working normal or not


    • Posted

      ummm....well, I had the mrcp done today, hopefully that will give some clues to what is going on, and what is not going on, followup in couple days with the doc, see where we go from here, this is a great group forum, all of you have good thoughts and advise, it is good to know that other people have gone through similiar issues, or are going through it, having all these tummy problems not fun,for anyone


    • Posted

      Hi have you found out what’s wrong? 
  • Posted

    Those symptoms are typical of gastritis. Also could be SOD ( sphincter of oddi disfunction ) because liver enzymes double. Hope you find out soon what’s wrong and be treatable. Good luck 
    • Posted

      yes, I hope to get to the bottom of this soon, 


  • Posted

    Chamomile tea. A nice cup of chamomile tea can help ease the pain of an upset stomach by acting as an anti-inflammatory. These anti-inflammatoryproperties help your stomach muscles relax, which can reduce the pain of cramping and spasms. If you have any query regarding health than feel free to connect with us on WhatsApp no. 9530069900. 

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