Pain in abdomen with interesting symptoms, for around about 2 months.
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I am a 16 year old Male from europe. Around about 2 months ago, I started to notice a sensation of 'pressure' and 'heaviness' in my abdomen after taking a walk or jog, maybe 10-20 minutes of doing them. It eventually turned worse and I started to have a feeling of mild pain in my lower back as well as my legs, keep in mind this was after physical exercises or me just moving about for a prolonged period of time. Eventually within a month I started to have bloating around at night-time and a general feeling of illness and fatigue I was clearly able to distinct my self having. So I decided to take blood-test and a ultrasound scan of my abdomen, as well as analysis of fecal matter. All of which came out with good feedback. Only thing that was concerning was my misbalance of leukocytes and neutrophills, abnormally high eosinophils, and a low blood pressure (90/65). My parents both have general low blood pressure so it might be a genetic thing. It came out that I have a strong allergy to gluten, wheat, Tomatoes, Rice, Potatoes, and other foods that I comfortably ate for moths without me realising. About a month ago, I started to sit on a diet which helped me get rid of the feeling of 'heaviness' and 'gas' in my abdomen. As well as that, I started to consume L-Glutamine 15-20Grams per day to possibly help the repair of my gut, as well as many probiotics. Its been a months since, and I've got to say I dont feel 100, and still get similar pains as previously, but never worse. I am getting slightly frustrated and really have started to lose hope in finding out what could be possibly wrong with me. Now this is the list of symptoms I currently posses.
>Lower abdominal Pains
>Lower abdominal heaviness after walking
>Feeling of heaviness in stomach after excretion
>No diarrhoea or constipation
>Never thrown up during this time period
>Never had a fever/temperature rise during this time period
>Have bloating usually at arising at nighttime
>Lost weight (6 kg, I used to be 52 kg, now 46)
>No blood in fecal matter
What I think I might possibly have.
>Leaky Gut:
Now this might be a long shot, but My Brother had suffered from similar symptoms, and managed to heal his condition with the use of pro-biotics and use of L-Glutamine, but his symptoms had significantly eased after a month of use, which I cant say in my case.
>Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis:
If you thought the last paragraph was a long shot, this one may just overthrow it. I suffer from sever allergic reactions, and in result have a high eosinophilic count of 15%. I have no hard evidence suggesting that my stomach/intestine wall tissues high count of eosinophils, but could this be a possible explanation ?
> Adrenal insufficiency:
My Mother has difficulties with hormones and her thyroid, its a running issue within our family line. As of late i've been getting more tired and fatigued than usual. My skin has started to become darker, and I cant say how down and uninspired I felt over the past few weeks, to say that I want to treat this issue, is a MASSIVE understatement. Within the next week I will go to screening and test my hormone levels as well as possibly do the acth test.
> Ibs / stess releated issues:
its important to state that before this summer, I had over a month worth of exams that I have been not just anxious, but been terrified for. It was a quite hard and stressful experience to say the least. Recently i've moved schools and I have been quite stressfull as well. As a person, I always over complicate things and worry so much about things that take away my energy and only make me feel worse. The gut and the nervous system are very very interconnected, so I am wondering if there might be an underlying reason. Side note, I get significantly worse pains after having a panic attack or a stressfull period of time.
Thank you for reading this, and any type of feedback would be so welcome. I am studying now and moving around so much, that this condition I have disturbs the process so much more and really makes it hard for me to pay attention in class due to discomfort and I am considering doing anything to find out what I have. Do you think I should apply for an endoscopy/Colonoscopy ct or mri scan ?
Thanks for taking your time to read this !
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Susie100 ogalex
I think you are very stressed and right about the gastric connection.
I don't know much about IBS but could this be your problem?
You seem to have had lots of tests which are ok, I would try to relax and take your mind of things for a while.
Spinal problems can cause nerve sensations in the legs.
ogalex Susie100
pippa58442 ogalex
Your food allergies could be the cause of your symptoms. Avoid these foods if you haven't done so already and try a food diary to identify other food intolerances. I am unsure if it is IBS because with IBS, bowel habit change is a main feature of the condition and you say you don't have diarrhoea or constipation. However, food intolerance, stress, gas, stomach pain and bloating are IBS symptoms. There is however atypical IBS which mean you have IBS but you don't have typical symptoms.
It would be worthwhile asking for an endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT and MRI as you have mentioned to rule out possible causes. Adrenal fatgue is also something to be investigated especially if your mum has hormone trouble. It is not always picked up by doctors. Stress can affect the adrenal glands which produce cortisol and adrenaline and cause them not to work properly.
ogalex pippa58442
I might get a trans-nasal endoscopy in with biopsies, in a month's time with an general ultrasound of the abdomen. Hopefully this rules out many stupid worries and stress haha. Possibly will get a CT scan of the intestine in the near future. Thanks for the reply !
pippa58442 ogalex
ogalex pippa58442
pippa58442 ogalex
That's good news.