Pain in carotid?

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Hi All,

Yet another symptom that if I google, perimenopause is one of the links that comes up.  Has anyone experienced pain in your neck - right on the carotid artery?  Its called carotidynia.  I recently had several ultrasounds of my neck so I know there is no blockage.  But I still have the weird pain.  Just wondering if anyone else has felt it. 

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I have it exactly there. My mum had her carotid artery 'defurred' after suffering a transient ischaemic attack so this really does worry me, all my maternal side have either had a stroke or coronary disease. I'm left handed so put a lot of strain on that side of my body, particularly my head and neck, however, this pain has only been apparent since I started all the other terrible symptoms I experience
    • Posted

      Have you had an ultrasound of your neck to check for blockage?
    • Posted

      No but I've got a feeling I'm going to have to. I just thought it was aching more because I've started a new job which involves a lot of writing, data input etc, it's always worse just before my period and always on the same side. Will definitely be getting this checked out x
    • Posted

      Never had this happen until all this crazy hormone stuff started. Feel like everyday it's a new ailment. From what I've read, if it's not a blockage, people treat it with steroids. Another trip to Doctor I guess. 😟
    • Posted

      Hahaha. I've not been to the gp since September. I'm sick of going there and getting looked at like I'm mad. She actually tried to refer me to the mental health team during that last visit, it's hard to believe that in the 21St century supposedly modern doctors are still trying to cart women off and label them as unsound of mind. It's no wonder some ladies end up on antidepressants, it's the medics convincing us we're going loopy!!!
    • Posted

      Yes same for me my dr told me I was the worst case anxiety sufferer he had seen in 8 years !!!! Went out worse than when I went in Donna !!! 
    • Posted

      Lol. Its probably some collusion between docs and the pharmaceutical companies that make antidepressants, I reckon they're having a good old Christmas party every year at the expense of our sanity (and bank account) 😂
    • Posted

      Yeah, I had a GP who just kept telling me to take my Xanax.  I always left his office feeling worse and still worrying about all these symptoms I was having.  I switched to another doctor who is so wonderful.  He acknowledges perimenopause as a legitimate thing and if I need to check out something that has popped up, he will do it for me.  So grateful.  Let me know if you do go get your ultrasound.  Thanks for replying. 
  • Posted

    i bet we ladies are contributing massively to the pharmaceutical companies since menopause affects all the systems of our bodies....all kinds of medicines are recommended.

    pain in shoulder, neck extending to jaws, ear lobes - i have read in many posts here. ive had them too

    • Posted

      The tests alone I have had to check all of this!  Insane amount of money has been spent.  I have been to the doctor more in the last 1.5 years than most people go in their lives. 
  • Posted

    I have it and have had it on and off for a year now along with neck stiffness. But after xrays and a mri they say nothing is wrong so I assume its just Peri symptoms
  • Posted

    Hi Marie, 

    i have had this for about 15months......... I mainly get it before I'm due to come on.......

    i changed my job role at entered into peri, quite close together......... I actually thought I'd pulled a muscle (as Ive got quite a strenuous job)...... Or starting Fibomaraligy?.

    i havent been to the doctors about this.......but when I do get this pain I also get a migrane added with it?!!!!!

    • Posted

      From what I've been reading the location of this pain near the carotid has been linked to migraine headaches. 
    • Posted

      Yep. I get migraines around menstruation and ovulation. Think there's such a thing as menstrual migraines x
    • Posted

      Hi Marie,

      even though it's all linked (think?), I have just accepted it as the norm

      i absolutly dread the week or 2 before my period the neck pain and the n a migrane both last days Absolutly dread it, when I'm at work I sometimes have a heat patch on my neck, which helps but recently noticed its Not really helping that much as it used to be the pain seems to be worse??????

      as I was entering the peri as well just accepted this to be normal for me, no pain killers helped with this? So just at a lose as to what I can do or use?.


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