Pain in foot?

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Hi all, I had a slight ache in my foot yesterday, and then this morning I woke feeling like I had broken a bone in right foot small toe; very painful to walk on. no idea where this has come from. I haven't knocked myself. could this be another symptom of menopause?

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4 Replies

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    It has been an issue for me for over a year. My right foot, baby toe is always sore and a bit red/swollen. Also find that both feet are sore the day after wearing certain shoes/boots. This started in peri. I'm almost 2 years menopausal now.

  • Posted

    I had this for a full year, mine improved with walking, it just went away overnight!! I thought it was a symptom of an auto immune disease that I have, but this has me thinking now 😃

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies. I am 4.5 years post menopausal. to be honest I thought I was beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel; I haven't experienced any aches or pains for a while a then BANG this happens, I have been hobbling round all day. There is some swelling appearing and redness over second from last toe. I told my husband that it's probably due to menopause; he's reply was, you cant put everything down to the condition.....; but to be honest there isn't any other explanations for how most of us feel day to day. Take care ladies, and thanks again x

  • Posted

    I would go have it checked out-- you never know.. I own so many good supportive shoes but usually have some kind of foot problem. Around my period the bottoms of my feet hurt... This is all hormones I'm sure.. BUT last week I started hobbling on my right foot-- elavated it with ice and took OTC meds.. I also made an appt with the foot/ankle Dr. Just got back and have tendinitis-- have no idea where it came from but I'm going to PT too-- I need to know if my feet are changing during this time--- actually I may some weakness too... UGH just something else to keep up on

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