pain in legs
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Hi I'm 54 years old and I've been taking tibolone for one week and I have to say I have been feeling great. I mainly went on it because I was having serious bladder problems and my consultant recommended that I try this. My bladder has really improved, as well as my mood. I feel positive and happy and my sex drive is increasing - I really thought we'd found the answer, but this morning, I've woken up with pains in my legs. Nothing horrendous, but kind of nerve pain - a throbbing. Not pleasant. and I'm wondering if anyone else has felt anything like this. I really wanted to give this treatment a go, but now I have my doubts.
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colleenbabbage lizziemay20
I was on Livial for a month and the first 2 weeks I felt fantastic also, then I got very restless legs at night and just couldn't sleep o I went to 1 every second day but that just made me sick..In the end I stopped it sometimes wish I had perservered now as it made me feel great also..I suggest you take Magnesium at night for your legs and give it a bit more time as it just might past, know lots of friends on it and they just love it and wouldnt give it up at all..So see how you go everything always takes time for your body to get use to something....
lizziemay20 colleenbabbage
LadyPink lizziemay20
lizziemay20 LadyPink
LadyPink lizziemay20
wendywoo62 lizziemay20
I have been on Tibolone for 4 months now & I really think that they have a settling in period. I too had painful legs on waking, most of the day infact until I put them up in the evening! I also had breakthrough bleeding, and a few other symptons but they have all disappeared now & I feel like 'me' again! So do persevere if you can, because the benefits have been fabulous, for me anyway!
lizziemay20 wendywoo62
That's really encouraging. You don't know how it differs from other HRT treatments do you? It hasn't clearly been explained to me. I know it's not pure estrogen, but do you know if it's combined Estrogen and progesterone? I'm not sure.. Are you? Do you not have concerns about the increased cancer risk? As you can see, I've got concerns, but it is good to hear the positives.
wendywoo62 lizziemay20
I'm not sure exactly of the hows and whys but I see that some ladies have been on Tibolone for years so it's really tried and tested. This was on the internet though, I tried to share the page, but couldn't.
Tibolone works by mimicking female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. It also has some male hormone (androgen) effects. Tibolone helps to restore the balance of female hormones in women who have a lack of oestrogen; it helps to ease symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats. You will only be prescribed it if these symptoms seriously interfere with your daily life.w & whys
Tibolone works by mimicking the activity of the female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. It also has some male hormone (androgen) effects. Tibolone helps to restore the balance of female hormones in women who have a lack of oestrogen; it helps to ease symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats.
Have a look what is on and also what other ladies have said too. I was worried but now feel encouraged as my life is normal again lol
Good luck - Wendy
lizziemay20 wendywoo62
LadyPink lizziemay20
lizziemay20 LadyPink
I regularly get chronic cystitus and bladder infections and the consultants hope is that this will help. I could put up with the hot flushes and being a bit moody, but the bladder pain really gets me down. Today I still have sharp little pains in my legs and upper arms, but really bad cystitus, so its not helping yet. We'llsee. I will go to the docs but I think I'll stick with it for a month.
I also feel very tired.. I had to pull off the motorway yesterday because I was falling Sleep at the wheel. Maybe my body is just adjusting. I'd like to think so. Fingers crossed.
Thanks again,
LadyPink lizziemay20
lizziemay20 LadyPink
LadyPink lizziemay20
Well, I hope all continues to settle down for you and that you are able to continue on Livial - as for me it was a life saver. All the best, LadyPink
lizziemay20 LadyPink
Not tried cream though.