Pain in lower right side

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Hi all,

Since August I've had mild pain in my lower right side (to the right of my pelvic bone). It comes & goes and theres no rhyme or reason to it. I've had a vaginal ultrasound and a lower abdominal ct with & without contrast. Fortunately, nothing has been found other than a few small ovarian cysts that should not be causing any pain. My next step is a colonoscopy which I'm having in a couple of weeks. I've had a couple of doctors say it could be a pull or tear, but I'm just wanting to be thorough. Has anyone else been dealing with this? I'm 52 and have irregular periods, so I'm still in peri. Thanks in advance!

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12 Replies

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    I am going through this now. But mine is on my left side. I have had two vaginal ultrasound and I have ovarian cyst on both ovaries but my Gyn told me they would not cause me pain. But to be honest mine feels in my ovary area. I have dealt with this since August. It will go away for a couple weeks and then I will lean forward and I get a sharp pain and it would go to an ache. Lately is more sharp twinges. Like spasms. It was bad yesterday and not hardly anything today. Mine has no rhyme or reason either. I just had a complete abdominal ultrasound including all of my major organs. I have a small cyst on my left kidney. Recheck it in 6 months. They think it is benign. I am not stressing over it because really it could have been there for years. Apparently everything else was fine. I have right side pain upper and lower and back pain middle of back. We bought a new bed a couple of months ago and I. HATE. IT. Too soft and I wake up feeling like someone beat the hell out of me in the middle of the night. So how much is from what I don't know. But the lower pelvic (ovary area) pain is not from the new bed.

    My Gyn said to get a colonoscopy. But of course my husband just switched jobs and is having trouble getting insurance sorted. Ugh. Everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else. I ask him if he wanted me to go in and get it sorted. lol. Menopause has a way of making you cut through the bs quickly.

    Anyway, I am nearly 52 and I am postmenopause 2 years. I am not one of those lucky women that glides into postmenopause and feels great. My body is going in kicking and screaming. It is one thing after another with me. But the lower pelvic left side pain is very unnerving. Though my NP and Gyn don't seem concerned at all. I just want to know what it is.

    • Posted

      My body is going into this kicking and screaming too, well put. I had to laugh at the part about the mattress. 😂

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      so much the same, even the new bed which I hate!! Waited 10 years, spent a lot of money on the bed and its killing my spine, rib cage....ugh..And yep all the other pains, twinges, moods, fatigue...I had ovarian cysts and they hurt when they burst!! Dr not too concerned about any of it..not surprised...Hang in there and know youre not alone!!

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      yes very painful when they burst! we need a new mattress too! how long have you had the new mattress?

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      Hi- we have actually had it a year now..I think we had 100 days to return it, its the memory foam and at first it was ok and thought it would be better, but now my back, spine, neck and even rib cage have been hurting for months! Awful! I more comfortable in my sons bed when I read him stories...definitely cant afford a new one now..yep this added to perimenopause symptoms, makes me feel so old and decrepit lol

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      We are still within our return date but the clincher is they charge 10% restocking fee if you exchange and a 20% restocking fee if you return it. I want to exchange it, but my husband doesn't have issues so he is dragging his feet. Makes me want to put rocks in on his side and see how he sleeps in the soft bed then, lol. We have a hybrid bed memory foam on a beauty rest coils. I am not impressed and they sold it to us as a medium but it is actually plush. We got rid of our very firm memory foam because it initially felt like sleeping on a brick. Then after a few years there was a rut and it became hard to get out of bed, half because of the rut and half because my body hurt. Now it is the other extreme. My husband actually suggested I sleep on an air mattress. Those rocks on his side are sounding better and better. lol

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      You are hilarious!!! Your sense of humor is so refreshing! 😂😂😂

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      Humor is my defense mechanism. 😃 I want to add...I just had a severe bout of food poisoning yesterday. After eating at our favorite mexican restaurant (current favorite because our favorite before that burned down and before that the other one went out of business) So our current favorite, I ended up with horrible food poisoning. It is a great quick weight loss if you didn't wish you were dead because dying was taking too long.

      My husband said he didn't think it was food poisoning because I got sick 8 hours later instead of one our later. Sigh. Who is thicker in the head? him for his nonsense or me for 30 years with him? Most days it is a toss up. 😉

      I told him I was poisoned somehow. If I didn't know my husband couldn't find a light switch without me I would suspect him. lol. Stomach pains were knifing and my husband came home to take me to an urgent care, but they were all apparently booked up with the achoo crowd. Best time was 4 hours later. I told them forget it I would either be dead or better by then. I was better and now my stomach just sounds like a water park but thankfully I could give up my reserve seating in the bathroom and eat relatively normal.

      I have been singing/chanting (not in public)

      Always look at the bright side of life. -monty python

      Some things are bad, they can really make you mad. Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble, just give a whistle. Always look at the bright side of life...

      For life is quite absurd and death's the final word. You must always face the curtain with a bow...

      It's catchy and the full lyrics very funny. Does it help? Some, but not yesterday because I was losing body fluids from both ends and was sure death was imminent and I really didn't want to die on the toilet. But I am (at times very desperately) trying to remind myself that my negativity isn't helping me it is actually weighing me down even more.

      I worry, and pain makes me grouchy and depressed, but I am still trying. It's all we can every do, really.

  • Posted

    hi soccermom. I have had ovarian cyats off and on for years. I have always been told that is what causes my pain in this area. i am surprised they told you that isn't the cause. they fluctuate in size. so maybe when you had the tests done they were really small??

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    Hi, I'm in Peri also. I had slight pain there when I stopped ovulating during Peri in the initial stages. It eventually when away. It could be something else but, I just wanted to mention that . Hope you feel better!

  • Posted

    Hi Soccer Mom,

    I'm actually going through this now the only difference is my pain is on the left side. I have been having a lot of gas and bloating. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for next week and I go for a transvaginal ultrasound on the 21st. All of these tests have been triggering my anxiety which has sent my stomach into a tailspin. 🙄

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