Pain in ribs for 2 months and it is driving me crazy, help me ASAP please !

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Hi ! I seek desperate advice, no kidding.

Staring November of 2015, my stomach started acting up on me. I had pains all over my abdomen and they were so intnse that I ended up in the hospital for a day. I got tests done (CT Scan, Blood Tests, and an Ultra sound). I was there with morphine to reduce the killer pain nd after 4 doses and 7 hours, I was realeased with perscriptions for naproxen and ibuprofen and all that was found in the tests was an ovarian cyst, bound to be "ruptured". I went to home after a few hours. The next 3 days were filed with pain but the doctor said it would be "normal" as it meant the cyst would heal. Well, it didnt go away after 3 days.

It was the week of Thanksgiving and I felt okay, I needed help moving around but I was feeling better. I told my mom I was okay but I guess I jinxed it because 4 hours later I was in intense abdominal pain and left me with no option but to take naproxen, which made me feel 10x worse. After that day, I was in my bed for every singe day in my pijamas with pain, unable to eat, unable to celebrate Thanksgiving.

The pain eventually left the day after Thanksgiving and didnt come back until January. On January 3, 2016, I woke up in the middle of the night, crying with abdominal pain. I never went to the ER because my parents sensed it might be the cyst as we were told it would come and go. I was in bed for 4 days literally unable to move out of bed. On the 4th day, it was the worst. I was gagging, unable to throw up because of an empty stomach. I was dizy, and kept spitting blood, I ran a low fever as well.I was fearing that my appendix had bursted because a sibling of my had his appendix burst a few months ago and he shared similar symptoms as me. I fell asleep and the next day I felt better but my I felt intense pains under both of the center of my ribs. On the 6th day of pain, all was gone so I assumed it was nothing.

However, the next week, I felt like I was having a heart attack. The bottom of my ribs were in pain and my arm went numb and I felt dizzy. I ate a herbal tea and it calmed me down. My parents waited no more and the next day I went to the doctor. I told my doctor the following symptoms:

- Pain under my ribs

-Pain on both sides of abdomen

- Pain on my right side of rib when I ate

-Pain on right side if I got hungry

- Shoulder Pain

She asked me o take my shirt off and ran a couple of pressure tests on my ribs and back. She said my rib muscle and shoulders were inflamed. It would take two years to take away the inflammation but if I took better care, probably in a year and a half. I felt better knowing it wasnt anything serious however, I was left in question because some parts didnt make sense.

It's been almost 3 weeks and I STILL get these annoying rib pains that sometimes leave me unable to move from bed or leave me crying. I take motrin for the rib pain and use a heating cream for my shoulder but none of it works. My Mom says to stop complaining about the pain but it is extremely hard no to. It has become an extreme nusicance as the rib pain comes whenever I ate or whenever I get hungry.The pain on a scale of 0-10 is usually a 6. Inflamation doesnt really sound like what's really causing the pain in my ribs.

Background info on myself: I'm a female, 17k years old. I play soccer, and run really often. I only eat fast food only once or twice a month and I eat very little junk food. I drink lots of water and keep myself active too.

What should I do? It's frustrating to have this pain as it limits my running and nobody understand what it feels like to have this type of pain. Do any of you know someone who shares similar symptoms? Should I get a second opinion? Please share anything you think might help because even the smallest piece of advice may be the biggest help! Thank you in advance.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I ma notr an expert in female medical issues (not trying to be funny) I cant comment on the cyst....However--if you wer throwing up BLOOD  A)You didnt state you told the doctor this you just saw abd B)You should go BACK to the emergency room. No matter what Rheumatoid issue it may will NOT cause you to throw up blood..UNLESS you are taking Motrin and it  has caused a astomach bleed..a simple CBC blood panel or checking for blood in stool can check that. I also cant comment on the exact c ause of the rib pain .I have had rib cage pain /. soreness tightness in my lower rib cage since will NEVER go away and it can never be cured. "Costochondritis" inflammation of the lining of the ribs is a musclular-skelatal problem to which only anti inflmammatory meds, heat packs, and rest after long periods of work or ecercise can help.  Icant comment on the abdominal issue. Ge ta copy of your cat scan (the written report) and other tests ferom hopsitral..If you cough up blood again--GO TO THE ER IMMEDIATELY.
  • Posted

    I am a 73 year old young at heart beach combing female.  I've had pain on both sides under my ribs for 3,1/2 years. I went through a multitude of tests, several diets, tried different medications and even had my gallbladder removed, but still had pain.  Many different diagnoses but I think that a physical therapist got it right when he said muscle damage from hauling heavy stuff off the beach.  You are the only person I've encountered that seems to have the same problem.  I think the only way we could get over this is to sit and vegetate - which I refuse to do.  I now take an anti depressant which keeps me from worrying and has given me back my appetite.  Hang in there, you are not alone!
    • Posted

      I sit and vegetate for other reasons...M yspine is shot too and ive bneen in hpsital with Pneumonia 3X this year (2015) I am not nearly your age..but Ive been thru 22 Time Plays No Favorites. ..I dont take anti depressants...they are not for me. I am actually alone in physical nature..and occasionally connect on internet. But there is no cure.for the ribs...ask for some VICODIN for pain.. it can help the ribs for sure...Use heat packs... there are no injections or surgery for rib cage pain. sad(
    • Posted

      Stay strong ! One day we will hopefully find a solution as to what is the matter. Wish you the best.

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