Pain in stomach and Vomiting but nothing came in report

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Hello Everyone,

My uncle is going through severe stomach pain and vomiting. We checked with most of the doctors and went through almost all kinds of check ups and treatments but all the doctors has given the same answer that there is nothing wrong in there and all reports were positive. Please help what can be the symptons for this

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I would need mroe information. You state all tests wre POSITIVE. Postive for what or do you mean NEGATIVE? Has he hasd a cat scan.. colonoscopy, endoscopy..and what are the results. It could be A virus/infection in thw abdoman, it could be gallbaldder, could be pancreas...what does thew cat scan report show? What blood work was done..hepatitus screen? Bile levels? AL and AST (Liver blood level check)..Cant say what;s wrong..more info is needed.
  • Posted

    Unfortunately abdominal pain and vomiting are very general symtpoms that can be caused by so many different reasons.

    It is real 'stomach' pain = location in stomach

    or 'stomach' pain as in abdominal pain? If abdominal pain, which quadrant?

    When routine stool (for pathogen bac and parasites), blood tests (liver, pancreas, electrolytes, thyroid hormons, pancreas, red blood, white blood count, CRP, celiac antibodies, glucose ....) revealed nothing (were negative),

    other tests (from different blood tests, breath tests for H.pylori to malabsorbtions) to ultrasound, other scans, scopes can be done to at least exclude xyz.

    Exclusion is already some peace of mind, but of course not helpful in reducing the pain. 

    Docs will check through a list of possibilities, starting with the most obvious or dangerous.

    From there it needs observation and patience and ideas, what else could be done.

    We have no idea here in this forum, what tests were already performed so others could give you an idea, what they had done additionally with similar symptoms.

    Sometimes it is something rare like autoimmune disease that affects GI, 'gastroparesis' often a cause for vomiting (gastric emptying slow, as to why is a different issue. Often not found),

    often the cause is not in the intestine actually, it can be a certain kind of porphyria (urine test), or something like MbAddison (low cortison, easy: 24h urine test).

    Best of luck!!!


    Hope you find some symtpom relief since that is important, too.

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