Pain in the left side of head, fuzzy Ness like dizzy but not spinning, nausea....anyone else..???

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Hi, September last year 2016 I started getting a headache everyday in the left side of my head with brain fog/ referred me to a neurologist. I had a mri scan on my head all come back normal. He then gave me tablets for the headaches. They helped. Then all of a sudden after months of this brain fog and headaches it all went.

Now 3 weeks all started again 😢 brain fog, pain on the top left side of my head by my temple, nausea, feeling tired like my eye's are so's all getting me down again. I've been back and forth to the doctors again and they are putting it down to anxiety. Had a complete blood count...had a liver function the whites of my eyes are a little off colour like a yellow colour...all bloods come back normal.

This brain fog/dizziness is really getting me down I've had it for nearly 4 week's everyday none stop 😢😢 I've had a ecg done all normal..cholesterol 3.5 considered normal. I'm a 28 year old female.

I wondered if anybody at all has the same symptoms or know of anything to get rid of the brain fog and dizziness. I'm missing out on so much time with my children because I feel so ill all the time.

Doctors won't take me seriously because they think it's anxiety. I think my anxiety does get worse when I think I've got more things wrong with me because of all the symptoms I've got. I keep thinking I'm going to have a stroke. I'm so upset. Anyone have any light on any symptoms..???? X

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Zoey,

    This sounds typical Hemiplegic Migraine and it resembles a stroke.  I have had it a lot too and you are right its horrible!

    I have Flunarizine and Botox injections and they have made a lot of difference to me.

    Do you get any eye pain and photophobia as well?  What meds have you got?

    • Posted

      I do get eye strain. My eyes feel heavy and ache. They have gone a off white yellowish colour too. 😢😢

  • Posted

    Did you have an MRI yet Zoey?  This should be done as a matter of course, then your neurologist can work out a plan.  Anxiety does make it worse, but you shouldnt be fobbed off with out a plan to deal with it.  You are entitled to a life just like anybody else,

    Nag your drs until they do something.

    I am a fellow sufferer Zoey, so come on here and message me, I can support you and tell you how things have been for me.

    Very best wishes and hang in there, things will get better.

    Take care

    • Posted

      Yes I had a mri scan last September 2016. Afterwards the neurologist said it was all normal and prescribed me tablets for 3 week's. I took those and they helped the headaches but not the brain fog. Now I am on no medication I didn't see the neurologist after last year. I'm seeing my doctor now I've seen different doctor's. All are putting it down to my anxiety. I feel so ill and dread getting up in a morning. As soon as I get up the diziness and brain fog is there within 30 minutes. It goes when I lay down for 10 minutes in the daytime but as soon as I get up its there again. 😢😢

      I'm constantly worried.

    • Posted

      OK Zoey, try not to worry you have had the MRI and at least this was reported all normal, so thats good.  You have to get to the bottom of this issue though.  Do you get any weakness down one side of your body?  Get your GP to refer you to a Neurologist who specialises in headaches. 
    • Posted

      I think you need more extensive blood tests too.  I know you had a lover function test, but you could be deficient in various vitamins and iron.  My iron was low and it made a huge difference to my life
    • Posted

      No weakness in the side of my body. Just pain in my head. The doctor I saw at another out of hours surgery said It could be stress because this is where our pressure points are 😢

    • Posted

      stress would affect it, but not all this trouble you are having.  Are you stressed though about anything other than this brain fog?
    • Posted

      I had a funny turn last week but I think it could of been a panic attack. Because when I get this pain in my head I think of all things that I could have. Then I start googling symptoms. Then I panic. I do get heart palpitations etc. But ecg was fine. Close family members have passed away of stroke and massive heart attack so I think that's why I do worry alot. I'm just preying for a day where I don't have diziness/brain fog. Some days I don't get the headache only the dizziness and brain fog. I just can't understand it and it's getting me down 😢

    • Posted

      I really think you should have more bloodtests to check things like thyroid and iron levels.  If these are all ok then you have to nag your dr about getting to the bottom of this.  Maybe you have to think about counseling too.  But definitely you need something to lift these issues you have
    • Posted

      It's the dizziness and foggy head that's concerning me. I am having counselling and waiting for CBT therapist to get in touch with me.

    • Posted

      Hi Zoey,

      You are doing all the right things.

      But still nag your dr for more bloodtests to get to the bottom of your health issues, it might be a simple case of that you are lacking in some nutrient, or your blood pressure might be low.

      keep in touch to let me know how you get on.

      Best wishes and take care

      PS NAG your dr!

  • Posted

    6 months later and still no where near to answers 😢 still dizzy and fuzzy headed

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