Pain in the tailbone
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Hi, ladies, has anyone experience pain in their tail bone this pain comes and go it's an awful feeling especially after seating for a bit I would welcome any suggestions or comments.
Thank you,
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Claire4474 lexie41068
Lexi OMG YES! I've had pain in my tail bone for two years. It was the first symptom I had. At first I thought it was my chair but as you say some days you dont have it at all, other days when I get up out of my chair i feel a sharp pain in my tail's very painful.
I've mentioned it to the doctor but he didn't really investigate, by this time I was having loads of other symptoms so I guess he just assumed it's part of the meno thing.
I'm sorry to say I still have the pain, despite being on HRT for 3 months. I'd love to know if it will go away completely at some point, I have to sit in front of a PC for 9 hrs a day at work and when I have this pain its no fun at all.
lexie41068 Claire4474
I am so sorry Claire I know what it's like seating long hours I sometimes have to stand up or walk around for a minute. Applying warm water for a few gives some relief let me know if you have any update.
Hugs and ❤.
AJacynM lexie41068
It's weird you mention this as i get this awful strange pain/ache feeling in my tail bone but it always comes on in the middle of the night!! It's so uncomfortable that I have to get up and stand, move around... it kind of goes after around 20 mins or so and then doesn't come back until another random night!! It's been going on for years but i didn't associate it with menopause however if i think about it, I have possibly been menopausal for around the same time...
Odd! Just another symptom to add to the many?!
Marisa02082 lexie41068
I also had this when i first started perimenopause!! I have not had it for a few years now but it went off and on for a few years. I could barely sit sometimes. It hurt me so badly. I did not even think it was hormone related until I read this!!!! But, it went away finally....and different symptoms in it's place!!
lexie41068 Marisa02082
Hi Marisa, I am so glad to hear your symptom went away what did you to get relief it hurt so bad seating over 5 minutes is a problem I wish I could just seat and be pain free what a luxury to be able not to suffer while seating 😀 I am trying so hard not to take pain med.
Brittay123 lexie41068
OMG!!! I have been having tail bone pain for about a year!! can hardly sit some days!! sorry you are going through that too!!
Izzie_Lizzie lexie41068
hi there,
yes I am shocked to read this as I have had SO much pain from my tail bone while sitting up right and have never ever thought about it being Peri! This pain started long before I would have thought it was Peri but but I did have symptoms of Peri like irregular periods at least 7 years before this journey started so I guess it could all correlate.
I'm just relieved to realize I am not totally weird and other people have problems with their tale bones as well - thanks for posting!
However, there must be something to helps us as I have been on HRT for some time and it still gets sore...
Any suggestions are welcome!
rebecca_68782 lexie41068
I am really glad to read this. I have this and have been trying to figure out what it is. I was starting to think maybe I am losing muscle, so I am putting more pressure on it when I sit. But it doesn't hurt all the time. So strange. Thanks for sharing.
lexie41068 rebecca_68782
Hi Rebecca did you take anything to ease that awful pain?