Pain in thigh and tingly all the way to foot

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Hi there everyone. I had dizziness for over a year no dr seems to have answers but now pain in my thigh like muscle fatigue and thru lower leg and foot I suppose like restless leg syndrome which I wonder if that really exists like many of you my husband says stay off internet because I'm so depressed and get so much anxiety I feel like I have something like MS. Thou no dr has said that. I get extreme fatigue like soo tired I can barely stay awake and now the leg issue is compelling that keeping me up at night. I'm 54 still menturating no hot flashes but feel beyond awful. Anyone have these things or is it just me. Thanks so much for yalls time and feed back.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Scou,

    ?It's not just you!  I fuel my depression and anxiety by googling my symptoms for sure. 

    However, there are some very simple vitamin deficiences that come with peri or just getting older that can cause the anxiety, tingling and muscle weakness. My first thought is Vit B.  We are not allowed to post links, but if you look up symptoms of Vit B deficiencies, especially B 12, you will find many of the symptoms you list here. There's a magazing for women our age  about preventing things that has a good article on this subject. biggrin

    I had wicked anxiety waking up each morning. Like the character that came back to life in 1996 film The Mummy, just screaming as a first response. My therapist recommended I start a B complex vitamin and the morning anxiety went away. 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply but I take b12 plus a b100 daily. I feel I have a pretty healthy diet. I'm super worried and the anxiety is consuming me

  • Posted

    Hi Scou I also suffer anxiety and for me when in high state of anxiety my body can have numerous pains and strange symptoms that are very real I am now trying not to let the anxiety take over my life I know easily said than done and it's always a battle what helps me is relaxation downloads a good diet and no caffeine sugary drinks in the evening good friends and talking about it . Although a battle try talking to Gp x

  • Posted

    Dear Scou

    One of my symptoms was having a pain in my right thigh, never the left but it was just in my thigh and not leg or feet, but I did suffer and still do leg cramps at night, again in right leg. I think due to dehydration the leg cramps happen so I try and drink plenty of water. Im sorry you are feeling like this, also do you take magnesium? I feel this has helped me with the anxiety and stiff joints! X

    • Posted

      Thanks for replying I do take magnesium. I think all the stress about it is causing me more distress. I have thalesemia and cannot take iron and my periods have been flooding and huge clots so perhaps iron issues causing the odd spasms I just don't want it to me a neurological disease. I've never been this distressed in my entire life. Feel like I'm gonna explode

  • Posted

    I felt the same way, and my right leg also gives me problems.  A chiropractor I went to see once told me that our hormones mostly affect the right side of our bodies...and for me this seems to be true because it is right breast, right leg, right ankle and knee...all right.  

    I found great relief with Bach's rescue remedy for the anxiety, it works wonders for me.  Bach's also has other flower essenses for other emotional issues.  Another good one is walnut for menopause, mustard for doom and gloom, wild rose brings enthusiasm for life again.  I also drink alot of rosehip and hibiscus tea.  It is like a little bit of joy in a cup!  The smell is an amazing pick me up.  I buy it loose and use a tea strainer.

    Hope you feel better soon!

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