Pain in upper right quadrant

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Can any one suggest any thing for me. I have had pain just at edge of right lower rib cage. It's been 3 months now. It never goes away and almost feels like my right side is closing over, I'm walking funny to protect it. Had scans that showed not much. A bit of fatty liver and Haemangiomas. It's always sore, prob worse after eating. There is nothing to stop pain.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nicole, it sounds like you may have a gassy bowel, this happens when gas is trapped under the ribs and feels like it is pushing them out, mine sometimes travels round the back also, try to avoid and fizzy drinks, pastry and and fatty foods, dont hold back a burp as this will help, lansoprazole is what im on, have a word with your doctor as these things are not always picked up on scans, get some one to lay there head not the sore area to see if there is a gurgling noise also, hop this helps x good luck xx


    • Posted

      Thanks Linda, I have always had a weird digestive system, but not heard of this. I feel bloated a lot too. Perhaps it is diet related. As it is now I don't eat pasta, rice, pastry or bread as I can't digest it. I eat quite well actually and am very fit. Could prob cut down on the wine I guess!
  • Posted

    If you have fatty liver, then you need to diet and watch your alcohol intake ie give it up. 
  • Posted

    I have this, but on my left side. It is very scary to me. Wishing we find relief! 
  • Posted

    Looks like Gastrities issue, i believe any Proton Pump Inhibitor should help you.

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