Pain is worsening at night

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I'm a month post op and still prettymuch sleepless at night.

My knee seems to be healing well--I don't use a crutch most of the time and can already walk pretty well, including up stairs (down is still one at a time).

I have been takng one oxycontine and one Aleve before I go to bed right along. Last week I found  myslef waking up after two hours and having to take another oxy, and now I wake up and even the second oxy doesn\t stop the pain enough for me to go back to sleep. I wonder if I am developing a tolerance to it.

My  PT encourages me to walk, do the exercises and ride a statioanry bike as much as possible but I am wondering if I am overdoing it.

The funny thing is that I can fall asleep with no problem during the day. These unscheduled naps last for 30 to 60 minutes and I always wake up feeling if I had slept much longer.      

I am planning on going back to my job teaching high school in three weeks and hope to resolve this sleep issue. Anu suggestions.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    You're doing better than me at a month!

    I've mostly given up on the meds unless I have to. The nights though are becoming more restless and pain. Maybe trying to do more triggers the nights.

    I'm not walking normally at all yet. Have low staying power, get very tired!

    Can't remember exactly how I was with my other knee 3 years ago.... suppose as that one all will get better in its own time!

    Good luck and well done you!!

    A bike.... seriously..... no way🙈🙈🙈🙈

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      My wife found it at the town dump! I was able to go right around on the one at the PT office the first time I tried it. My therapist is delighted with my bending but not so much with my straightening. 
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    you and me had surgery at the same time and morning at 3am i am awake because of pain, this morning was worse because i started my out patient physical therapy yesterday.  I had a revision and the therapist said my leg is off to the side a few degrees, i am not sure if that is because of hardware. they had to put a lot of hardware in femor and tibia. Hang in there it will get better and use a lot of ice.
  • Posted

    Almost the same. 3 weeks in from TKR. Walking without sticks but do take 1 if any distance, managed a mile to the pub on Wednesday. Off painkillers but also have sleepless nights due to the nerve endings around my knee. Only has to touch the bedding and feels like being rubbed with sandpaper. Painkillers do not help. Now have about 110 movement but not quite enough for the bike but up/down stairs. Be disciplined on the exercises
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    Are we eligible for the Paralympics?
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      Only if they have an event for binge watching Shameless.
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    Hot baths and icing will help, I did not sleep well until after 10 weeks
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    Hello Rocco,

    My PT told me that the pain at night is due to doing so well in the day. So you have to weigh it up and perhaps do a little less in the day. Too many naps in the day will affect it too.

    I'm 6 weeks in and although I was sleeping well with a natural sleeping tablet before bed, now that I am doing even more in the day, I'm back to waking up.

    Hope you find your solution. All the best.


  • Posted

    I am at six weeks and same story. Gave up the oxys 2nd day, just hate them. Before bed I take two Tylenol and two benedryl which make me get through until about 300 then ot much helps. I take a tramadol at 300 but doed not seem to help either. Surgeon said this is normal, so did pt, just has to work itself out, wish it would hurry thdough, can be exhausting. I am retired so o work. My thoughts are with you when you go back. After work you may n=ed to nap. Some days I end up with an hour nap around 530 to 630
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    I am going to try and do less exercise today. One reason is to see if that will help at night and the second reason is that I have to snowblow eight inches off my driveway. 

    The funny thing to me is that no one--the surgeon, other docs, the people who ran thepre-op classes--mentioned the post op sleep problem but it seems to be ubitquitous. 

    Another thing that amazes me is how well I can sleep in the day. Even after a couple of cups of coffee and without any pain meds if Ilay down i am out like a light for an hour/

  • Posted

    Hi Rocco,I'm 5 weeks post op,like you ,mobile no crutch or cane. But still wake up with pain at night,I'm pill free as well,what really works for me if I wake is Ice,10 minutes pain goes,off to sleep..Early on it was twice a night,now once a night hopefully by the New Year sleep right through.

    Hope that helps ,and good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi there Rocco. You seem to be on course with your recovery although it can vary from person to person. The bike is a great idea for getting the knee moving working on the quads and gluten. The sleep pattern you describe is quite normal in the first few weeks. I'm 8 months post op and remember getting up through the night making tea and toast or hot chocolate but it did settle to normal sleep pattern eventually. This recovery takes time 6 to 12 months I was told so be patient. Like you I found the stairs difficult coming down but that settled too. As long as you keep mobile, eat healthy and have a positive attitude, all will be well. I'm retired 2 years now but if I had to return to work I was ready after 4 months. Take care.

  • Posted

    If you are having pain and swelling, you're doing too much...especially only a month post-op.  Everything you're saying is very common.  I slept a LOT in the 1-4 months range.  My GP told me that it's the body's way of healing...if you want to sleep, then sleep...doesn't matter what time of day.

    Here are some tips for sleeping at night...


  • Posted

    Maybe I have been doing too much and I continued that yesterday by snowblowing our huge driveway. Had to be done, though,-- eight inches of snow with rain predictedfor today and then freezing temps tomorrow.

    I slept like a baby though for the first time in weeks because my wife and I made love for the first time since the operation.I didn't know if it was safe to take sildenafil (generic Viaga) with the other meds but I thought "what the hell?" and went for it. It was great and one adivan and oxy later I was off to the Land of Nod.

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