Pain Meds

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I had my left THR on June 17 -- two weeks ago today!  My surgeon prescribed Oxycodone for pain and I got 200 5mg tabs.  I've been taking one tab every 4-5 hours since surgery.  My plan was to stay on that regime until I see my surgeon next Thursday.   Yesterday I had lunch with two friends who are nurses.  They both thought I should get off Oxycodone.  That it is too strong to be on for so long.  I have very little pain but that might be because I've been taking Oxy on a regular basis, not waiting until I felt like I needed it.    The surgeon also prescribed Tramadol and said when I thought I didn't need Oxycodone, I could start taking Tramadol.  I guess I assumed since he prescribed 200 tabs of the Oxy, he figured that I would be taking it for quite a while.  That would be like 5 weeks at least I think.  Would love to hear what others have done regarding pain meds and if you have any opinions about whether I should stay on Oxy or move down to the Tramadol.  Thanks.

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39 Replies

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    I had mine done June 14 I don't see the doctor until July 20. They gave me oxys and tramadol also. I did not take any of the oxys only in the hospital. The tramadol and meythacarbonal for mussel spasms are the only narcotics I took. Meythacarbonal 2- 500mgs every 6 hrs - tramadol 50mg 2- every 6hrs along with 1- aspirin twice a day for blood thinner and 2- 500 mg Tylenol every 6hrs and 1-500mg advil twice a day,andpantoprazole sodium -1 every day, and last class 2- twice a day for constipation. I am on day 17 now cut back slowly on tramadol done two days ago. Only thing I take is the Tylenol 3 times a day the aspirin the advil and the andpantoprazole for the stomach. I'm using no help in the house just a cane outside. Pt 2-3 times a week. I didn't like the oxys they gave me a headache. Listen to your body it will let you know when you've gone to far. PAC it with ice at night this helped me not only for swelling but pain also. Hope this helps everyone is different. Good luck Red

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, Red.  I'm also taking the aspirin for blood thinner and the stool softener/laxative.  I've been told not to take Tylenol when I'm taking Tramadol because it already contains Tylenol, so I've stopped it.  I'll try the Tramadol the next few days and see how I do.  I get my staples removed next Thursday which might be painful?  I figure I'll try to get down to just Tylenol after that.      I was told before surgery to use the walker til I see the surgeon so I'm going to stick with that.  I feel like I'm able to really reduce the weight on the walker so maybe could move to crutches or cane but I'm ok with the walker for now.     You're right -- everyone is different -- but it is nice to hear where in recovery others are and what they are doing.  Good luck to you too.

  • Posted


    dont listen to anyone - just listen to your body. I'm a nurse and for 2 months before my surgery I was on oxycodone 10mg slow release twice adult. Post surgery I was on 20mg oxy slow release twice daily and 10mg oxy fast release as and when. I was on this for about 2 weeks then as pain improved  I reduced my slow release and only took fast release rarely. After about week 4 I was just on normal codeine and paracetamol and now week 9 I rarely take anything.

    just take it easy you will know when to reduce - I used to leave it longer and longer in mornings before I took anything. 

    Theres no doubt it's painful surgery and it's only you can decide your pain levels not anyone else

    good luck 


    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, gillyb74.  That is such important advice -- listen to your body -- and so easy to forget!  I am going to try the Tramadol today and see how it goes.  I was feeling so little pain on the Oxycodone that I think it is a good idea to make the switch.  I'll just monitor it and see how it goes.       That's a good idea about leaving it longer and longer in the mornings.        Good luck to you -- it sounds like you are at a good place at week 9.  

    • Posted

      Hi again...

      just take analgesia when u think u need it. You can take 50-100mg tramadol up to four times a day. Take the tramadol with paracetamol too as will get better pain relief. The pain does get better and it's nice not to have that horrid arthritis pain. My pain is more muscle soreness now which is bareable most days and getting better the stronger I'm getting X 

  • Posted

    Hi there, I had bilateral THR 3 weeks ago. Was on oxycodene in hospital but they sent me home with Tramadol and paracetamol every 4 hourly suggesting I reduced them where possible.

    To be honest pain relief is individual as everyone has different pain levels. I'd speak to your GP or Practice nurse or phone the ward you were on post op for advice.

    Very best wishes,


  • Posted

    A couple of you have mentioned paracetamol and I wasn't prescribed that and don't know what it is!  I'll Google it but I wasn't prescribed it.   I really and pretty much pain free and have been since the beginning.   But really didn't know if that was because nothing hurt or because the Oxycodone was totally taking care of it.  I totally agree that whatever pain I might feel is SOOOO much better than the arthritic pain before surgery.  It was bad and I'm thrilled not to have it.   I'm going to try just taking the Tramadol and see how I do.  As I was just walking up and down my hallway (I live in a condo building), a neighbour who is a nurse came out and walked with me.  She said I could take both the Tramadol and the Oxycodone.  For instance, if the pain is worse in the evening, take an Oxy.  If pain is minimal in the morning, take a Tram.  So I guess mixing them is no problem.  Whatever I do, it sounds like I'll end up with 100 Oxy tabs at the end of all this and I should consider selling them on the street!  LOL

    • Posted

      Are you in the USA? Paracetamol is called acetaminophen and the adult dose is 1g every 8 hours. In the uk it can be bought over the counter at stores. It works well with tramadol and other opioids analgesia as it is an analgesia in itself and also acts as a carrier drug in the body which helps analgesia effectiveness 
    • Posted

      I'm in Canada so yes, I know it as acetaminophen, or Tylenol everyone calls it.  We can buy it over the counter too.  Tylenol 3 needs a prescription -- it has codeine.    Thanks for the info.

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      Just buy standard acetaminophen 500mg tablets - and take 2 ervry 8 hours with ur tramadol - you will get a good pain response (I'm also a nurse prescriber and prescribe medication in my line of work so it's the correct advice X )

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    I agree with everyone who's been saying listen to your body. I was also prescribed Oxycodine liquid but nothing else. I have only been taking it at night and thought I'd stop doing that, well mainly to see if I could. So I did - and had the worst nights sleep since I was is hospital, I also felt awful the following day too.

    So, my lesson from that experiment- nope I'm not ready to be without my pain meds - at least not yet anyway.

    • Posted

      Very interesting.  I've been wondering too what impact the Oxy has on my sleep.  I've been sleeping very well, for me.  7 solid hours on my back.  Feels great.  I don't want to lose that!        With the liquid, will it be easy to change the dosage?  Take a tiny bit less each night?

    • Posted

      I dentist didn't stop oxy on a nite til weeks 4 at least - couldn't sleep without it purely because the pain was at its worst on a nite - but it does get better - week 9 I don't need anything now on a night and can sleep in all positions - I just wake often tho because my muscle gets tight x

    • Posted

      Great idea to just keep taking it at night.  I only wake up cuz I have to go to the bathroom.  Wish there was a cure for that!
  • Posted

    Interesting discussion. I find it hard to know if I am taking enough or too much!

    10 days post operation. Taking the medication I was on before to control OA pain. Slow release Diclofenic twice a day. Was prescribed Paracetamol and Tramadol on discharge. Now taking paracetamol regularly and Tramadol once a day. Just in the afternoon when I have a bit of a dip in how I am feeling. Have some OA pain in the other hip and only pain I am getting is really localised over the site of the wound and a bit of muscle ache. I am taking it easy but doing exercises and have started walking about 1/4 mile with two sticks and a chaperone!  The Tramadol seems quite strong to me. 

    Like everyone else I am trying to listen to my body. I have asked my GP to prescribe more Tramadol to take as and well when I think I need it. Probably more for reassurance than anything. It is tricky balancing pain meds with increasing activity and also healing. 

    From personal experience I think the Tramadol should be enough. Although we are all so different. With different pre op conditions to take into account. 

    Take care. X

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