Pain on left side

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My doctor thinks I suffer with IBS but during this past few months I have had a pain over my kidney area which goes up the side of my rib cage.

I was just wondering if that could be due to the IBS

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Marie,

    I've been suffering from several symptoms for 10 years, one of them is pain on my left side, went to many doctors, did many tests and diagnosed with IBS, even though I'm not really convinced, but anyways yeah pain on your left side could be an IBS symptom

  • Posted

    Hi Marie,

    I have had left pain under my left and right ribs for a year now. I have had numerous blood and stool samples done and they have all come back normal. I saw a gastro at the end of last month and he said I have IBS. I am having a endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy in a week. I took have slight pain over my kidney area but my urine and scans are normal.

    Like mak16140, I am not fully convinced it's IBS but I have to try and have some faith in doctors.

    Do you have any other symptoms? Have you had any tests?


    • Posted

      Hi Gem1384

      I have also pain in the left hand side of my tummy as well and no I haven't had any tests.   Went to the dr with this just before xmas and he said it was a muscular thing but it has got steadily worse since then.

    • Posted

      Hi Gem, just read your post and you sound to have something similar to what i am suffering at the moment. I get bloating  at times and for over the last 10 days i have had pain which started just below ribs at right and left side and then spread all the way across. I was wondering if it is where the large bowel crosses from one side to the other which got me worrying about bowel cancer. I saw my gp today and she examined my stomach for any lumps but could not find anything. She was suggesting it could be connected to indigestion which i get sometimes but i dissagree as i feel its more bowel area than stomach so will be interested to know what your tests reveal. 


  • Posted

    I have pain on right side not the left. I have gallstones. Before I was diagnosed with gallstones a GP thought it was either gallstones or IBS.

    So I am now not sure if i have IBS as well as gallstones or not.

    That is really all the help I can be I'm afraid.

    Take care and keep m eposted


  • Posted

    I've had upper left pain for 6 years now. Mainly under my left rib and I feel if I can massage it and release gas it helps. Also goes round to side and back if I'm having a bad flare. It's ruining my life with worry of what it is! It sometimes feels gnawing pain, sometimes like trapped wind, sometimes it stabs and my ribs so a times even feel bruised when it's really bad! I've been paranoid it's my pancreas as it's worse after alcohol and I used to drink quite a bit but I'm only 32 this started at 26. I've had ct, endoscope, bloods 6 years ago and before xmas last year had more bloods, ultrasound, colonoscopy and detailed MRI of pancreas. All clear!! Been told it's ibs but I'm convinced something has been missed.

    I had 1 year pain free in all of this which is when I left my ex I had a great stress and pain free year! Got in another bad relationship, had my daughter pretty soon into it and it came back 2 months after she was born and it's loads worse now! That's why I'm told it's stress but I'm not so sure.

    I still think I have chronic pancreatitis although the only symptom I have is the pain. I never vomit and am always constipated. Also thinking gastritis as it's worse day after alcohol

    • Posted

      Hi have you tried the usual remedies for trapped wind eg "windease tablets" or peppermint oil capsules ? I would try take comfort that all the tests you have had show nothing sinister. I have been having pains on and off in waist area at right side, then started getting them on left side at bottom of ribs and stupidly "googled" it. Up came pancreatic cancer so can appreciate how worried you have been but as tests are clear be happy you know that its not your pancreas. Did you have an ultrasound ? I am supposed to be getting one to check my gall bladder  and was going to ask if they can check my pancreas as well. 
  • Posted

    That's exactly what I get and got at the moment ,pain either side of lower back ,kidney area,pain on inhaling deeply and tender tummy,I was diagnosed WITH IBs and diverticulitis last year after colonoscopy and Emergency attmitance to hospital with blocked bowel

    It definitely sounds like IBS,insist on a colonoscopy for definite diagnosis,then you can manage it better when it flares up,good luck

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