pain pain pain
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hi all .. im new to the FM group but joined a menopause group on the last month, i was diagnosed with FM 18 months ago and have gone through all the usual medication dont get musch relief from any and most cause some other side affect not wanted, im just so confused firstly most woman going through the menopause also suffer with so much pain in joints aswell as flushes sweats head achs ect ect the list is endless so im not to sure were my menopause symptoms finish and the FM symtoms begin or vice versa .. i dread going to bed as im up every hour with night sweats aswell as arm knee elbow & back pain , iv just seen another illness called PMR has this anything to do with FM .. im back at my doctors on 30th dec and hope to come away with somthing possitive i dont know what as iv been through most things any ideas welcome ..
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doloroso michelle_1960
I think I'm older than you 1950 dob! Righty here goes lol. I used a product called Flash Fighters from Holland & Barrett whilst going through my menopause and they SAVED ME!!!! I took them regularly for a couple of years and my flashes got less and less until I had NONE!!!! Of course, you must check with Holland & Barrett first instore if they will have any side effects due to any medication you are on. DO go for it! Best thing I ever did taking them after much research. So FLASH FIGHTERS Michelle! Buy them!!! Regarding PMR DON'T read too much on the internet! Speak to your Doctor or Nurse. There's a saying in Italian which says "Old age is an ugly beast"! Sure is! I've got carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist. Arthritis in right shoulder from an old fracture! Tennis AND Golfer's Elbow in right elbow AND have suffered with a bad back since I was 17! Am also fighting an ongoing UTI which has ruined my life this past year. Happy Days. My philosphy on life is that the only thing we cannot remedy is death. Everything else we can get over so Happy New Year! Good Luck and SMILE SMILE SMILE! Easier said than done I know. x
tiswas24537 michelle_1960
all this does because i know iv done it myself is stress you up and make things worse , not stressing thou is harder than saying it. i to am going thru the menaopause i am 54 and have had this for over 10 yrs .
and i can tell you you wont get positive results from your gp .
just pills to treat the symptoms of the condition and never getting to the cause so unlikely to get better .
relax as much as possiable let others fend for selves find a hypnosis cd to help you relax do it daily twice if poss , this really helps so does reflexology
supplements verie from person to person , i use b12.q10 vit d vit e
seleinum , . iv also started a self help programme not yet available on NHS
so i start the new year with neww hope and faith that i will recover all at least improve vastley in the next 6 months. stay cool . less stress less pain .
magneisum spray helps with pain . iv had no medication in 10yrs other than
complementry because the side effects out way any bennifits .
Cloaked michelle_1960
I've been dealing with FM for 20 years. I'm Have tried pills, self help and about everything out there and have found that what works best for any one of us might not work best for all of us. For me, excercise (Pilates and such), along with medication for my menopause - a patch and pills - along with myotascial massage makes me feel the best. That and keeping my stress down. I quit a job that paid me well to work in a less stressful position after pounding my body to death.
But this is what works for me - and I sometimes have to switch it up and add walking or meditate too because I can't relax. I'm 52 and would love to find a miracle pill to take FM away but I haven't found it. I would like to know what others have found that helps because I am hurting more lately and see that I need to switch up my regime yet again!
lyn65518 michelle_1960
Cloaked lyn65518
I tried the drugs made for fibro but they didn't help. I have neuropathic pain and Cymbalta didn't help as well as topamax and that made me stupid. My mix now doesn't leave me in a daze but the Zyprexa makes me hungry and it makes my skin not as painful. I have an issue in that i break out in a rash when I walk and Zyprexa took that a way too and also helped a lot with my depression.
I think I have tried everything over the years. Exercising has been the best medicine for me, along with controlling stress. I rollerblade, stretch, yoga, do Pilates, swim, walk and Watsu (Rolfing in the water). I switch things up depending on what my body is doing given the weather, my stress, and emotional state of being.
I would like to know what other meds people take that help too.
tiswas24537 Cloaked
thats how i look at it any way , yes i still have pain yes i still get fatigued but so do most people on the meds so i really cant see its worth it. not to mention the long term taking of meds can cause problems with your liver .its an amazing organ but can only take so much .this is just how i think everyone is free to think what they like its a free country .
tiswas24537 Cloaked
i am finding out the hard way ,i was housebound last summer due to the extreme heat and humidty and iv got so stiff and trying to get back into it again is like you said very painful. stress is deadly to so so its good to keep it under control as you do
Smiler1981 michelle_1960
I don't know anything about the menopause but I do know about living with multiple conditions at once. I drove myself mad to begin with trying to determine what was due to what, but actually I think you have to think more holistically than that. No matter what catergory each belongs to, the reality is symptoms trigger each other and overlap. Try to think of them all together as your own personal set of symptoms and treat them together. It's just a small thing but it may help in dealing with them emotionally, as well as physically. There is no line to draw in the sand between them; just aim to deal with what you have been given, no matter what it may be. Take care x
anne90395 michelle_1960
Lots of great advice on here already, just like to add my two pennorth. Found Fibro symptons and menopause symptons confusing a little bit at first. But in the end it didn't really matter. After 2 years of symptons I was diagnosed in July 2014, by a rheumotologist. He just confirmed the meds my Doc was giving me, namely Amitriptylene. I now take 50mg a day about 5pm, helps a little bit with pain, but more with sleep. On this I am able to cope, but need to pace myself. Life will never be the same, and I am annoyed I can't do some of the things, make that most of the things, that I would like to do, or I did before! People do seem to be on truckloads of tablets and still not finding relief, as Tiswas said. My Doc won't give me any more painkillers as he says the side effects are not good.
I think if you can find a Doc you trust and learn other coping mechanisms that is the way forward. Good luck
Take care, Anne
dee2418 michelle_1960
I'm also new to both FM and this group though I did join the PMR group about 4 months ago when my GP said she thought thats what I had,
To cut a very long story short (2 years of pain and suffering) I was diagnosed with PMR by a rheumatologist at the end of September and then last week he told me I also have FM so I now have to take prednisolone to reduce the inflammation in my joints caused by the PMR and then a cocktail of tablets to deal with the FM so in answer to your question about PMR having anything to do with FM then using my own experience I would say no, not directly as although the symptoms are very similar the treatment is very different.