Pain relief
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Hi again,
Yet another day of hell to come!! BM due any minute...
Could any of my fellow AF sufferers out there recommend the best over the counter pain relief?? I have tried codiene based (which are supposed to be the strongest) which dont even touch it.
Without a painkiller what else relieves the pain when the stabbing pains start - Usually 3 - 4 hours after a BM?
Seeing my GP - Again next Thursday. I am going to demand a referral!!!! Cant keep this up any longer.
All have a pain free weekend.
It's great to know there are people I can talk to WHO DO UNDERSTAND.
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My sincere sympathies.........I use ANACAL (£4 a tube ),it has a tube applicator,and apparently has a painkiller in it .Its described as rectal ointment (,for relief of piles.) It soothes inside ,and makes the exit of the stools easier .It was originally prescribed to me by my doctor ,but is cheaper to buy over the counter .I then use ANOHEAL outside (apparently VERY expensive ,so presciption only for me !) Im not a pill junkie, but I also have to take at least 600mg of IBRUPROFEN per day to kill the pain. I am finding the ANOHEAL is doing a reasonable job ,but is not actually healing the fissure completely ,have been applying it for about 6/8 weeks (on my second tube!) My pain usually recedes after a morning BM,by about midday. Also change diet to fibrous ,to get benefit. All the above is not a prescribed way of dealing with AF,just my way . Disclaimer etc etc ............
Yet another day of hell to come!! BM due any minute...
Could any of my fellow AF sufferers out there recommend the best over the counter pain relief?? I have tried codiene based (which are supposed to be the strongest) which dont even touch it.
Without a painkiller what else relieves the pain when the stabbing pains start - Usually 3 - 4 hours after a BM?
Seeing my GP - Again next Thursday. I am going to demand a referral!!!! Cant keep this up any longer.
All have a pain free weekend.
It's great to know there are people I can talk to WHO DO UNDERSTAND.
Sorry for my ignorance but why an over the counter painkiller? Will your GP not prescribe you something?
Okay well as for over the counter nyou could try:
Nurofen plus
night nurse (I know for flu at night time but works well for me ((sometimes)) with elbow pain (((Fractured elbow recently)))
Just very curious as to why you are asking for over counter pain relief though :?
No chemist in the UK is allowed to sell anything any stronger than your regular painkillers.
Now you could always try feminax ultra that contains naproxen?
I hope you find some pain relief very soon
Good luck
I would pay anything to get rid of this TODAY.