Pain right knee

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It will be 12wks this Thursday  since I had my full knee replacement it’s been  very rough with pain like you all have but for some reason today it has become very swollen and very painful to the left side of the knee and behind the knee I haven’t twisted it or bummed it seeing physio in the morning hope she can help me 😓😓

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    sounds familar Kathleen.  All part of the agony of this dreadful surgery.  
    • Posted

      Hi Martha  it gets to a stage when you are sick of it  I honestly thought I had turned a corner until yesterday I just have to learn to be  patient hope you are keeping well xx
  • Posted

    Hi. I had a tremendous amount of pain and swelling, was referred back to orthopaedics and was told that it's quite normal for the swelling to last for a year or so. I too have swelling at the back of the knee which is limiting my bend. I am about 105 Deg but can't seem to get it to bend further. The consultant's advice was regular icing, several times a day (& prior to exercises) for however long it takes to get rid of the swelling. Hope you feel less pain soon but if not, ask your doctor to refer you back to orthopaedics. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Hi Kim thanks for your message  I honestly thought I had turned a corner yesterday that’s why I’m disappointed it hurts like it does I don’t have a consultant anymore I discharge myself from him as we did not get on but I’m waiting for a new one I will see what the physio says this morning take care x
  • Posted

    The TKR path, a linear one it is not, my young padawan.  Memory searching must you do.  The cause of the swelling, appear it will.
    • Posted

      Hi Chico yes I must search I will still rest ice and excerise I will get the  physio to see if this morning if she is concerned I will see the Dr regards xx

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