Pain that moves around
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I'm post menopause for the last two years and have been experiencing pain that moves around - first it's my shoulder, than it moves to the upper back, the lower back, the chest, under my breast etc. Blood work does not bring up anything and the doctors think I'm crazy. I know I'm not. Anyone else has the same problem?
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Keljo48 Isabella789
YES! I have this and I feel like I am losing my mind. I am almost 3 years post menopause and with the itching (I posted about) and the pain that moves through the leg, groin area, chest, stomach and then it will move to my arm. Some will repeat or last for a bit to only move to another area. I feel like my medical file is red lettered with hypochondriac because nothing is done or tests find nothing.
debra16694 Isabella789
hi isabella - Well, first off, i dont think you are crazy, but i have gotten the same response from drs, so i understand. i dont have "pain" that moves around, but i have a "nerve" issue that moves around - the best way to describe it, is it is like a bad can be very intense to mild & my skin is not hot to the touch, but is burning inside - i get it primarily on upper back & chest, forearms, front of calves, but have literally had it everywhere. It seems to come on at night & goes away during the day - it isnt everyday, but most days. i have been tested for auto immune & fibromyalgia - i suffer from constant knee/lower leg pain that came on 18 months ago overnight withno injury - i am 8 years post, but just started getting bad symptoms 3 years ago. i have also had days where every bone in my body hurt to move & then it went away as fast as it came, but the burning sensatiin lingers on.
shannonmairs7 Isabella789
YES!!!! Its so weird, and I feel so bad telling the doctors over and over. Mine is everywhere at various times. One that scares me extra is the pain on top of my head (weird!) Chest pain too, but more of a bone or sternum pain. These darned hormones.
Hang in there!
carolinegal Isabella789
I'm 51 years old and I'm 6 years since last period I have sufferd so much pain in the last 10 years 3 years ago after thinking I was crazy the doctors thinking I was crazy I just gave up but one day I just passed out and my daughter demanded I have blood tests and this is what my results were
pernious anima
b12 almost depleted
needed iron also folic acid
I also had a a very very low vit d
my inflammation levels were really high , the following day having got all these results I was given the b12 jab every other day for a week an iron infusion folic acid vit d meds and after about 3 to 4 months I felt a little better but the constant body pain was still there I was then told I had fibromyalgia so pain killers morphine patches took the edge of them but the pains between my shoulder blades my chest and under my left breast I still suffer from the pain in my sternum some days is hard to bare they now say I have costochondritis which alot of ppl that have fibromyalgia also get and In the middle of all of the above my gallbladder decided to
to go I also had stones and told I have a fatty liver and also dealing with menopause symptoms as well mood swings depression brain fog the joy of being a woman.
I have now took this all on board and live with it nothing else I can do the weight gain that came with all this is bow slowly going I eat healthy smile each day and thank god for my gift of life right now I feel low as my b12 jab is due I also ended my marriage 7 years ago it seems it just all came at once it's better then it was the pain I just live with so ladies ask your doctors for blood tests because if it had not been for my daughter demanding blood tests that day I dont know if I could have gone on living the way I was x