Pain when swallowing food and drink
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I had an endoscopy and a colonscopy on Friday and come Tuesday morning I woke up with the feeling of something stuck in the bottom of my throat, I've had this feeling before so I wasn't concerned, but when I drank some water it felt like it was really slow to get down and it really hurt in the bottom of my throats and chest and back which is strange. The same thing occurred when I ate, it went down really slow. It's hard to explain other than if you've ever eaten a massive mouthful of something you hadn't chewed properly and swallowed and it gets kind of lodged on your throats before going down. I'm wondering if it's just swelling or acid reflux related I'm not sure if I should be concerned considering for 3 days after the procedure I was fine.
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josephine90941 marie99158
You may want to check back to make sure the endoscope did not hit anything. They can take a look. I had this problem too, and mine ended up being a hiatal hernia, and an enlarged thyroid nodule. I couldn't even eat chicken noodle soup without feeling something stuck in throat. Let us know what you find out.
I can't get in to see my specialist until he 16th hopefully it goes away before then otherwise I might see my GP about it
josephine90941 marie99158
pippa58442 marie99158
If you were sedated, the drug will have taken a while to leave your system so it would take some time for side effects to show up. This could explain why you felft fine for three days; you can get a delayed reaction.
So definitely report this to your doctor to get this checked and any disturbance corrected so it will heal properly. I get reactions to any kind of medical procedure, big or small and then I get frightened to go back to my doctor and so the side effects never clear up so see your doctor as soon as possible.
I've just seen my GP although the couldn't do much since he couldn't see that far down he did say since there was no bleeding and no severe abdominal pain he wasn't too concerned. He thinks it could be from acid reflux caused by the endoscopy and biopsies, he said it was unusual for it to be anything too serious a week later but if there was any bleeding or severe pain to go straight to emergency. He's put me on nexim, I think that's how you spell it, to take for a few days and if it keeps getting worse he advised to try and get onto my doctor again. So hopefully these tablets work. Thanks for all your replies
pippa58442 marie99158
josephine90941 marie99158
Please keep us updated..
Just writing to let you know the medication worked within the day and now everything's fine. Thanks so much for replying to me while I was panicking!
pippa58442 marie99158
josephine90941 marie99158
Hi Marie,
This is terrific news. I'm glad you are feeling better. ?
susan79360 marie99158