Painful hands / nerves
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Hello lovely ladies!
I would like to ask if any one else is having similar problems that i have been having lately - very painful hands/palms with stretched nerves. It is not muscular / in bones, but nerves.
I have numbness, pins and needles, pain in hands and little numbness in feet (mostly left foot). The pain / pins and needles sometimes goes over to burning sensation and its happening more frequently of late. It is not concerning, it is effing painful and impacting my daily work. I have been to a physiotherapist, but the exercises don’t seem to help much.
If any of you have similar issues, could you please let me know how you deal with this? I feel that I am soon becoming just a body filled with pains and aches and I hate it
Second issue is that I have started snoring in the nights (hubby says it starts around 0400-ish – probably when I am in deep sleep). I seem to be getting up with slightly stuffed nose, but I don’t have cold or any other lungs / throat related issues.
Please let me know if anyone else is having any of these signs…or am I just falling apart and not coping well?
Just tired of feeling this constant pain. Any suggestions for how to deal with it is most welcome!
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Kersh66 Pra_Adoni
Oh Yesss I relate to that too seems we are all feeling like we are falling apart😂I get a lot of nerve pain in my hands and funnily enough in my feet a lot!!! I use to wake up in the morning like a pussycat and purr now I get up feeling like 82 and stagger to the bathroom because I'm so stiff in my body I walk like a tin soldier !
I have really increased my water intake and that does help a lot! The B vits lots of leafy green veg all help too!! It's horrible isn't it I'm a massage sensory therapist and I really have to look after myself otherwise I wouldn't be able to do my work on the snoring side of things I did laugh when I read that bit sister because apparently I used to be like sleeping beauty but now when my princess head hits the pillow I turn into the Gruffolo even the dog puts his paws over his ears at night mind this is what my husband tells me but I'm so bloomin knackered at night that I could sleep through anything !!! I think the fatigue really hits us and we sleep deep !!! As for coping I think we are all do bloody marvellously the constant aching etc is wearing but there will be better days I promise !!! Keep the faith !
Squeezes xx
debra16694 Pra_Adoni
Hi Prat - I am post menopause 6 years & about 3 years ago I started experiencing tingling hands & feet and sometimes “electric shock” zaps in my feet - it continues but not to the severity that it was. About 1 months ago woke up to intense burning on the tips of my feet & the front of my calves. Now for the past two months I get intense burning on my back, chest & neck area and seems to come on @ night. I also feel slightly nauseas & the anxiety kicks in - I have taken B vitamins, maca, Chinese herbs, magnesium etc. nothing seems to help long term - I really feel defeated. I don’t know anybody (aside from woman on this forum) who have been put thru the wringer like this - I am so over it!!!! Good luck to you, I hope you find relief
Pra_Adoni debra16694
I am so tired and wrung out 'coz of this pain and yes, the electric zaps (don't know what else to call it) all the time. Earlier I used to have better and worse days, but not it is down to hours. Feel so defeated. The really strange thing is, I don't see anyone else (apart from some of the ladies on this forum) having these issues...or for that matter even having any problem with menopause. I often feel like a freak moaning and groaning about all the old and new aches, pains and menopausal symptoms. The only place I don't feel out of place seems to be here.
I just want to get back to the old me...of course, older, but not a zombie that freaks out at every little tweak and twinge.
I will see my gyn in june. Im planning on asking her for some medicine or natural hormonal treatment for this nerve pain. Its just sucking the life out of me.
Sorry for the long complaint binge...
Hang in there!
malina55946 Pra_Adoni
hello! i read your post from 19 months ago. how is your pain and burning sensation in you hands/palms and feet. i am in terrible pain from months and I think i ll die. thank you!